This month is action pack!! We got tournament, update? (This will be the offically last patch the rest of the tournament will be played) And a PUP date alll coming up!!
My question is when?!!! Give us heads up please, tease us, tweet us, give us lil by lil!! The foreplay is important it keeps us interested and engaged while we wait!!
What do you guys think?
Theyre already testing pup release , theyre on reliccardinal_7 , as wich you can see last time updated was yesterday so heh , maybe pup next week…
8 september could be an intesresting day , just sayin 
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steamdb! haha , im used to always go to the steam db app for getting aoe4 information on future branches!
Btw got news for you! puptesting has been updated 7 hours ago , this may be the final testing
Hacker!? My man!! I hope its soon like you say 
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, not a hacker , you can see it here too :
Age of Empires IV (App 1466860) · Packages · SteamDB
go to the bottom of the page , there are the branches section !
Still hope it comes today. I really hate it to wait for an email or sth. Why they just can’t tell us it starts at xx.xx to xx.xx? 
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Does anyone know when the patch announced on September 7th will go live?