Should the Spanish receive a buff?

For sure, but it works 1 time out of 10, and if the enemy scout properly can easily counter spanish archers.

Also, you need to deal a lot of damage, because it’s not a long term strategy, it’s more of a meme…

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Spanish feel boring until Castle Age (without Towers), but many games are already decided at that point. I suggest the following changes to them.

• Genitour to Spanish
• Missionaries become Monks when a relic is taken and Spanish Monks can become Missionaries at a Stable and vice versa
Military Technologies and Upgrades in the Feudal and Castle Age cost no gold.
• (Start with +50 Stone).

Genitours would be historically accurate and can be utilized well in Spanish army composition.
Missionaries’ downside (not collecting relics) would not be existent anymore, so more diversity with Spanish.
The gold saving tech bonus sounds stronger than it is and saves 1050 Gold in total (for Blacksmith Upgrades in Feudal and Castle and E-Skirmisher, Men-at-arms, Long Swordsman, Pikeman, Supplies, Arson, Light Cav, Bloodlines, Careening and Ballistics) while loosing gold free Imperial Blacksmith Upgrades for 1025 Gold in total.

The suggestion with +50 Stone at the start would help with a Tower Rush (a tower costs 125 Stone).

Honestly this was done intentionally so that Spanish can’t grab all the relic from the map before other civs. Yes it is very easy to protect a relic, patrol a scout or two, but still missionary moves a lot faster than monk.

If blacksmith bonus exists together with this one, it will be OP. Only BL not costing gold would be huge.

Not happening. Devs won’t buff tower rush at all.

No more gimmick in the game please. We already have more than enough. The game is not built around this type of mechanics. Forcefully implementing these type of things made a lot of players unhappy.

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Better just let Missionaries carry relics, but set their speed equal to normal Monks while with Relic. So Donkey speed advantage wouldnt be as big.


I just hope they don’t buff conquistadors. Right now it seems they are the only viable strategy for spanish at high level. They should be given somethig to let them make use of their wide tech tree.

I think it’s quite a pity that the conquistadors are not that great anymore. For those of us that have been playing since AoC expansion came out, it is a weird fact to live by. Spanish definitely used to be a pretty strong civ, now it’s pretty much relegated to pick in tg for the trade bonus.

They could give conquistadors their own armor class. Get rid of cavalry archer armor.

This could work. I like it.

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it was given because conqs were too strong.

This and this

I would love it

Old Spanish

  • Builders work 30% faster
  • Blacksmith upgrades cost no gold
  • Cannon galleons have better accuracy and faster cannonballs
  • Hand cannoneers and BCs fire 18% faster
    Team bonus: Trade units generate +25% gold


  • Inquisition (Conversion rate improved)
  • Supremacy (increased attack, armor and HP for villagers)

Suggested Spanish (cursive changed)

  • Builders work 30% faster
  • Blacksmith upgrades become free age later than they become available
  • Cannon galleons have better accuracy and faster cannonballs
  • Hand cannoneers and BCs fire 18% faster
  • Monks and missionaries convert 15% faster
    Team bonus: Builders work 10% faster


  • Packed Mules (Team trade units generate +25% gold)
  • Supremacy (increased attack, armor and HP for villagers)

What will this mean?
Spanish monks will be stronger baseline and not require castle to upgrade so the monks kick in before late castle age. Their team bonus will be useful very early in the game and they will also themselves build faster thus receiving boost to their economy.
They get to utilize their full blacksmith to tech in multiple things in imperial age better with slight price early game.

Would free bloodlines be too much? It certainly helps Feudal and makes transition into UU or Knights seamless.
Compared to Franks, their scouts are stronger, but they have negligible-to-no food bonus.
This may not even make Spanish scout rush as strong as Sicilians…

Franks get just +9 HP over all other scouts, and they are considered to have the best scout rush in the game.

Granted, spanish wouldn’t have their food eco, but on a civ like spanish such powerful bonus is dangerous.

A civ with a powerful bonus like free BL should be designed around it. It would actually be more balanced to give xbow to the spanish.

Yes, I suggest double their hitpoints, remove every armor class and give them 100% accuracy. Why would anyone want to buff one of the most broken thing in the game?

Broken??11 compared to other mounted ranged unique units Conquistadors are underwhelming, you see more poeple using Mongols to Mangudai, Koreans to War Wagon, Burmese to Arambai, Cumans to Kipchaks,

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I would much rather give them some kind of bonus to their mining/stone or tower hp/armor and help them with their tower rush potential.

No, we see Conquistadors with every single Spanish game, because the unit is just broken, way stronger than Arambai, Kipchaks and Castle Age Mangudai. The only stronger unit is the stupid War Wagon.

They already build towers faster (which is the best bonus for Trushes) and have goldless fletching, they don’t need more bonuses for that.

What they need is something to make either their eco or military a bit less generic, not strengthen their already strong strategy, but that isn’t anymore strong as before.

Giving them xbows is a generic buff I know, and I would prefer something else, but it would do the work. Having archers/xbows that doesn’t need gold on the upgrades of the blacksmith would give them a decisive advantage.

My idea behind it was just that a tower rush means it doesn’t matter as much if your civ has no eco bonuses early on, because you can tower rush to bring the opponent’s eco down as well, and even things out a bit

Do the Spanish need a buff or are Missionaries underrated/under-explored? In DE castle age Missionaries can now have 65hp, have a speed of 1.39, heal the same speed as regular monks, and have access to inquisition if desired. Then they get 10 range with block printing in Imp.

Like the unit is a meme only if you do silly stuff like 100% missionary army. But if you do stuff like replace every 5th/4th conq or knight with a missionary (which shares half it’s upgrades with cavalry) it should in theory be pretty powerful. Between healing without losing positioning, conversions, and the ability to have a 7 range cavalry unit in castle age that’s a lot of advantages.

Give the missionaries a buff to conversion and healing as a bonus

Then replace one UT to either buff missionaries range