Hello everyone!
I have here some interesting ideas that will be so fun to have them in the game as new bonuses for future civs or for existed civs that will add more diversity to the game. I wanted to share them with you and know your opinions so lets start!
-Destroying economic buildings will make you receive gold!
Example: Destroying mills, lumbercamps, mining gives you 50 gold each! Destroying market gives you 150G, farms 10 gold.
-Each enemy unit will be killed by your units, you gain 50% of the unit cost, can be also 25%, 33%, etc. Depending what will be the good for the balance.
-Each enemy unit will be killed by your units, you gain 10 gold. Numbers can be different too depending on the balance.
-Destroying blacksmith will give you free blacksmith upgrade, or give your units +1 melee armor or +1 attack (for one time only).
-In castle age, killing 3 units from the enemy, your TC will spam 1 UU.
-Killing 3 enemy units from a specific class will make your military building spam 1 unit of the same type
Example: You killed a 3 scouts in feudal, if you have stable you get 1 scout. 3 archers, you get 1 archer, etc.
-Researching eco upgrades give you 33% gold of the upgrade total cost. Numbers can be different depending on the balance.
-Your TC can research wheelbarrow, Handcart, Town watch, etc… But at the same time won’t be idle and can continue making vills.
-Blacksmith can research more then 1 upgrade at the same time.
-Military buildings can research military upgrades and at the same time make units.
-Falling units return 33% of their food cost.
-Falling units return 33% of their total cost.
-Falling units return 33% of their gold cost.
-falling units return 33% of their wood cost.
There may be more ideas later!
Have fun!