Are you sure that you are talking to me? I want the developers to add Argentina and the Mapuches, if I say that the most logical thing is to add Brazil, it is not because I want that specific civilization, it is because I really believe that It is the most logical and in this case I am not against adding it, it seems to me a good choice for the reasons that I already said.
Now, I’m not against adding other civs, but really when you think about it, there seems to be a pattern to the DLCs, first a single post-colonial civilization and then another DLC with two unknown civilizations.
In any case, and based on what I think is logical, I see it as likely that they will add Brazil and then two civilizations that we don’t know what they could be, but who knows the same and the developers change the pattern and we end up with Persia as the only civilization and the next DLC It would be Argentina and Brazil. XD
I would agree with you if it came with a campaign, but I don’t think the developers can currently make one, plus the great Colombia would be useful as an umbrella civilization, but I think many people don’t like these types of civilizations.
I respect your opinion, but I don’t agree with it.
Doesn’t seem like a good idea to me, revolutions should have a customizable deck, more unique units and more new unique cards.
You know, I smell something bigger than just a bunch of new avatars and a small patch here, something big is coming, and it’s not just Steam Deck or Brazil… Maybe… TWO BRAZILLLSSS. You go to Brazil now!!!
I have a feeling we’re seeing a DLC here folks. Any content will be great for keeping things fresh so I’m really excited about this. Here’s hoping for some Asian, Baltic, or even Pacific Islands content!
I don’t think for testing AOM they would use AOE3’s branch or constantly push to several branches…feels like they are preparing to release something, but that’s my guess.
Well SteamDB keeps getting updated, if we’re lucky this month they add a new civ or a patch that fixes the current issues. (hopefully both of them)
A real shame, San Martin is just as important as Bolívar for the liberation of South America.
If they ever add Argentina as a civilization I want special and fun interactions between the AI of San Martin and the AIs of Napoleon and Queen Isabela. (I would love to see this idea spread to all civilizations)
They could be an alternate Age UP, perhaps an old province, but with new cards.
It could also be revolutions like Central America and Baja California, but I think that would be boring.
May 25 is coming up, I guess Argentina has a chance to become a full civilization, but we all know if they add a new civilization it will be Brazil. XD
True… since San Martin was exiled to Europe, he became like a low profile…And about the AIs it could be:“I already defeated your generals in Bailen, now I can do the same” (if the player plays with Napoleon) and with Isabela he can say “Soldiers, let’s kick out the Moors, the rest doesn’t matter at all”. .
And how about interacting with Chile and Perú revs? ‘I helped you become independent, now I’ll help you become dead’. Or with any LatAm rev, actually: ¿cuántas copas tenés?’
Regarding San Martin, his reaction would probably be, what a good opportunity to free (Insert Latin American revolution) from Cipayos.
New Cheat, Campeón del mundo 2023, sends a group of futbolistas with 5000 life points and deals 150 damage, they have the deflection ability and the inspiring Argentina flag. (Increases movement speed and attack speed by 100%)
When we select the unit it says: andá pa allá bobo, y vos cuantas copas tenés, viva argentina carajo, ♫dale campeón, dale campeón♫ (this last one is when we select several at the same time).
At the very least they could do a re-work of the Argentine revolution and make it an equivalent to the Mayans or the French Revolution, especially since the current revolution seems based on the beginning of the Argentine Revolution, I am missing emblematic units, like the patricians and the infernal ones, I even think they should add Montoneras.
Regarding SteamDB, I think we can expect the following scenarios, 1 we get a new DLC, 2 we get a patch that maybe fixes the current issues, 3 We get nothing because they are working on something else inside the AOE3DE code.
Which option do you think will be the correct one?
1) A New DLC?
2) A New Patch?
3) Nothing?
I personally want an expansion focused on South America, but it is unlikely that the developers will do a full campaign, let alone 3 new civilizations.