Spain Age 2 Archaic Infantry HP not affecting rodeleros

:arrow_forward: GAME INFORMATION

  • GAME BUILD #: v. 100. 15. 590760. 0 P2
  • OPERATING SYSTEM: Windows 10

:arrow_forward: ISSUE EXPERIENCED

The age 2 Spanish Archaic Infantry HP card is not working as intended. It should give 20% HP buff to rodeleros, but it is not giving rodeleros any HP buff currently.

:arrow_forward: FREQUENCY OF ISSUE

  • 100% of the time / matches I play (ALWAYS)

:arrow_forward: REPRODUCTION STEPS

Here’s the steps to reproduce the issue:

  1. Start game as Spain
  2. Ship age 2 Archaic Infantry HP
    3.Rods are not affected by the buff

:arrow_forward: EXPECTED RESULT

Rods would get +27 HP from the card (135*0.2). SEE IMAGE BELOW ROD HP SHOULD BE +74 after being veteran and the cards sent, not +48

:arrow_forward: IMAGE

:arrow_forward: GAME FILES (SAVE / RECORDING)

N/A not relevant

Can you check what happens to Pikemen and Crossbowmen?

This is the tech code

<tech name="HCHandInfantryHitpointsSpanish" type="Normal">
    <cost resourcetype="Ships">1.0000</cost>
      <effect type="Data" amount="1.15" subtype="Hitpoints" relativity="BasePercent">
        <target type="ProtoUnit">AbstractHandInfantry</target>
      <effect type="Data" amount="1.15" subtype="Hitpoints" relativity="BasePercent">
        <target type="ProtoUnit">AbstractFootArcher</target>
      <effect type="Data" amount="1.05" subtype="Hitpoints" relativity="BasePercent">
        <target type="ProtoUnit">Rodelero</target>
      <effect tech="ypFreeCoinCrate400" type="Data" amount="1.00" subtype="FreeHomeCityUnitIfTechObtainable" unittype="deCrateSpanishGold" relativity="Absolute">
        <target type="Player">
      <effect type="TextOutputTechName">110130</effect>

As you can see, it mentions Rodeleros explicitly, so it’s odd.

Also, this is the Spanish Academy code, so the tech is there
      <tech x="0.0" y="3.0">HCArchaicTrainingTeam</tech>
      <tech x="0.0" y="4.0">HCShipCrossbowmen3</tech>
      <tech x="0.7" y="1.0">HCShipPikemen1</tech>
      <tech x="0.7" y="2.0">HCShipPikemen2</tech>
      <tech x="0.7" y="3.0">HCShipPikemen3Spanish</tech>
      <tech x="0.7" y="4.0">HCShipPikemen4</tech>
      <tech x="0.3" y="5.0">HCShipPikemen5</tech>
      <tech x="1.0" y="5.0">HCShipSpanishSquare</tech>
      <tech x="1.0" y="7.0">HCXPTercioTactics</tech>
      <tech x="2.5" y="1.0">HCShipRodeleros1</tech>
      <tech x="2.5" y="2.0">HCShipRodeleros2</tech>
      <tech x="2.5" y="3.0">HCShipRodeleros3</tech>
      <tech x="2.5" y="4.0">HCShipRodeleros4</tech>
      <tech x="2.5" y="5.0">HCShipRodeleros5</tech>
      <tech x="1.8" y="3.0">HCHandInfantryDamageSpanishTeam</tech>
      <tech x="1.8" y="4.0">HCHandInfantryHitpointsSpanish</tech>
      <tech x="1.8" y="5.0">HCHandInfantryCombatSpanish</tech>
      <tech x="3.2" y="3.0">HCXPShipRedolerosRepeat</tech>
      <tech x="3.9" y="1.0">HCShipHussars2</tech>
      <tech x="3.9" y="3.0">HCShipHussars3</tech>
      <tech x="3.9" y="4.0">HCShipHussars4</tech>
      <tech x="4.6" y="3.0">HCHandCavalryHitpointsSpanish</tech>
      <tech x="4.6" y="4.0">HCHandCavalryDamageSpanish</tech>
      <tech x="4.6" y="5.0">HCHandCavalryCombatSpanish</tech>
      <tech x="5.7" y="1.0">HCShipLancers1</tech>
      <tech x="5.7" y="3.0">HCShipLancers3</tech>
      <tech x="6.0" y="4.0">HCCaballeros</tech>
      <tech x="5.3" y="4.0">HCShipLancers4</tech>
      <tech x="5.3" y="5.0">HCShipLancers5</tech>
      <tech x="6.7" y="1.0">HCShipFalconets1</tech>
      <tech x="6.7" y="2.0">HCShipFalconets2</tech>
      <tech x="6.7" y="3.0">HCShipFalconets3</tech>
      <tech x="6.7" y="7.0">HCXPShipCulverins2</tech>
      <tech x="7.4" y="1.0">HCAdvancedArtillery</tech>
      <tech x="7.4" y="2.0">HCShipMortars1</tech>
      <tech x="7.4" y="3.0">HCShipMortars2</tech>
      <tech x="7.4" y="4.0">HCShipCannons1</tech>
      <tech x="7.4" y="7.0">HCXPShipMortarsTeam</tech>
      <tech x="7.2" y="7.0">DEHCHandMortar</tech>
      <tech x="7.2" y="7.0">DEHCShipFalconets1Team</tech>
      <tech x="7.2" y="7.0">DEHCShipCannons1Team</tech>
      <tech x="7.2" y="7.0">DEHCPeninsularGuerrillas</tech>
      <tech x="7.2" y="7.0">DEHCReconquista</tech>
      <tech x="7.2" y="7.0">DEHCLiberationMarch</tech>
      <tech x="0.0" y="3.0">HCArchaicTrainingTeam</tech>
      <tech x="0.0" y="4.0">HCShipCrossbowmen3</tech>
      <tech x="0.7" y="1.0">HCShipPikemen1</tech>
      <tech x="0.7" y="2.0">HCShipPikemen2</tech>
      <tech x="0.7" y="3.0">HCShipPikemen3Spanish</tech>
      <tech x="0.7" y="4.0">HCShipPikemen4</tech>
      <tech x="0.3" y="5.0">HCShipPikemen5</tech>
      <tech x="1.0" y="5.0">HCShipSpanishSquare</tech>
      <tech x="1.0" y="7.0">HCXPTercioTactics</tech>
      <tech x="2.5" y="1.0">HCShipRodeleros1</tech>
      <tech x="2.5" y="2.0">HCShipRodeleros2</tech>
      <tech x="2.5" y="3.0">HCShipRodeleros3</tech>
      <tech x="2.5" y="4.0">HCShipRodeleros4</tech>
      <tech x="2.5" y="5.0">HCShipRodeleros5</tech>
      <tech x="1.8" y="3.0">HCHandInfantryDamageSpanishTeam</tech>
      <tech x="1.8" y="4.0">HCHandInfantryHitpointsSpanish</tech>
      <tech x="1.8" y="5.0">HCHandInfantryCombatSpanish</tech>
      <tech x="3.2" y="3.0">HCXPShipRedolerosRepeat</tech>
      <tech x="3.9" y="1.0">HCShipHussars2</tech>
      <tech x="3.9" y="3.0">HCShipHussars3</tech>
      <tech x="3.9" y="4.0">HCShipHussars4</tech>
      <tech x="4.6" y="3.0">HCHandCavalryHitpointsSpanish</tech>
      <tech x="4.6" y="4.0">HCHandCavalryDamageSpanish</tech>
      <tech x="4.6" y="5.0">HCHandCavalryCombatSpanish</tech>
      <tech x="5.7" y="1.0">HCShipLancers1</tech>
      <tech x="5.7" y="3.0">HCShipLancers3</tech>
      <tech x="6.0" y="4.0">HCCaballeros</tech>
      <tech x="5.3" y="4.0">HCShipLancers4</tech>
      <tech x="5.3" y="5.0">HCShipLancers5</tech>
      <tech x="6.7" y="1.0">HCShipFalconets1</tech>
      <tech x="6.7" y="2.0">HCShipFalconets2</tech>
      <tech x="6.7" y="3.0">HCShipFalconets3</tech>
      <tech x="6.7" y="7.0">HCXPShipCulverins2</tech>
      <tech x="7.4" y="1.0">HCAdvancedArtillery</tech>
      <tech x="7.4" y="2.0">HCShipMortars1</tech>
      <tech x="7.4" y="3.0">HCShipMortars2</tech>
      <tech x="7.4" y="4.0">HCShipCannons1</tech>
      <tech x="7.4" y="7.0">HCXPShipMortarsTeam</tech>
      <tech x="7.2" y="7.0">DEHCHandMortar</tech>
      <tech x="7.2" y="7.0">DEHCShipFalconets1Team</tech>
      <tech x="7.2" y="7.0">DEHCShipCannons1Team</tech>
      <tech x="7.2" y="7.0">DEHCPeninsularGuerrillas</tech>
      <tech x="7.2" y="7.0">DEHCReconquista</tech>
      <tech x="7.2" y="7.0">DEHCLiberationMarch</tech>

Apologies let me get back to you. I am struggle to recreate the bug in single-player, but I know for a fact something bugged in my online game where I had vet rods, archaic infantry combat and archaid infantry all shipped, and my rods only had +48HP.

What’s the base HP of them again ?

Am i stupid ?
Veteran Rodeleros get 20% hp
Same as the card provides. ( BASE PERCENT ) which should translate to
135 +27 +27

That’s 189, but OP claims

This is what i dont get, how +48? OR +74?



Here is screenshot of the HP from the same game after I had the following upgrades

  • vet (+20%)
  • age 3 combat tech (+15%)
  • Age 2 HP tech (+20%)

As you can see, the number does not make sense:

Makes sense if you didn’t wait for the combat card to arrive or if you never shipped it in the first place. Works just fine on my game.