(Clear this up out the gate: No, I’m vehemently against a return to anti-siege function in any capacity!!)
EGCTV’s TEAM Tournament just concluded, and congrats to Team Canada, and cheers to all the other teams that joined for giving us, what i believe to be, the best mass fighting, devasting raids, and sneaky team coop plays I’ve ever seen!
However, with the mass fights? I can’t recall seeing any springalds? At least not a number of them?? I would see 2+ mangos, and in a few fights i saw 7+ mangos!! But, no more than 1 springald, here and there??
Currently the springald is efficiently countered by range, melee cav and, infantry that can get on top of them?? But given their given mech, they don’t efficiently splash, let alone kill the units they should kill.
Or are we to believe that the best of the best at the game still haven’t figured out how to leverage the springalds in a competitive advantage??
Take 3dbee, a huge aoe4 innovator and one willing to use units that are unpopular, like the current iteration of Nest of Bees? How come not even 3dbee spammed springalds?? And bee made it to the Finals?
How do we make springalds functional? Or unlock their current functionality? More range? More range armor? More bonus?? Faster reload?
Already they are immobile which is fine, bc its a siege unit, but then it needs effectively high DPS no?? Technically springalds have a theoretically high effective DPS! but should DPS isnt practical given th stars need to align and enemy range and cav need not focus it down.
But if you could have 2+ mangos to deter range units from encroaching then 6+ springalds to thin out enemy frontline, then a front of your own??? Maybe, but this sounds hella micro intensive meanwhile the enemy comp can more readily A-move your army??