I don’t like this idea, it would be a huge nerf. That’s like taking away 20 food and 80 wood (the cost of the mule cart). That’s way worse than potentially nerfing their starting resources (except for Nomad, if it was more than -25 wood).
This sounds interesting as it would delay the healing in each age. I fear it might be a little bit confusing for some casual players but I like the idea behind it.
Self regen should just be removed from scouts in feudal age, if the civ is allowed to age up very fast then shouldn’t gain a huge advantage on their scouts in feudal, just impagine if Magyars or Franks got something to make their dark age faster, or Khmer having a Scout bonus…
Honestly this civ is just too strong even after Monaspa nerf (WWC 2 tournament Georgians still a top ban) that even nerfing them three times will still left the civ strong, but at least balanced.
The supposed ‘defensive civilisation’ has the most aggressive start on open Arabia-type maps in the entire game.
It really seems balanced (like the Armenians) by the marketing team.