Steppe Lancers: The Forgotten - Giving civs steppe lancers (with research)

I gave the Georgians Steppe Lancers in my concept as a reference to their close relationship with the Cumans. Maybe it’s a weak justification, but I felt it set them apart from other European knight civs.

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Glad to hear it. Just to give some more information about the Turks.

To make it clearer, the Tartars themselves are nothing but a Turk-Mongolian civilisation, and the Tarmelan empire occupies the same position as the old Seljuk Empire.

It essentially depends on what you mean by the Turks in the game. For it is true that the Siphai (UT’s name) were the heavy cavalry of the Ottoman Empire, but they were originally the professional cavalrymen deployed by the Seljuk Turks.


I added a explanation to the steppe lancer, thanks for the suggestion

I wish Bulgarians get something to be attractive in tournaments. Adding SL in the tech tree can be that something.

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I don’t think Bulgarians lack viable melee unit. But they have to be either less predictable or faster/more powerful for what they are good at.

There is a balance post to propose blacksmith+siege discount change to all cost -50%. This can buff a bit their cavalry archers play in castle age and more like magyars.


I think they should remove thumb ring, give crossbow and last archer armor and make stirrups affect cav archers

Which would give them strong but inaccurate CA, better archer play from feudal, and better late game comp. So CA would be about 15% faster attacking than normal but lack the accuracy

That’s correct. They need a viable pierce damage dealer. But Scout into SL with all blacksmith upgrades can be a good all in rush in some tournament maps.

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If Bulgarians got steppe (prob no elite) do u think stirrups would effect it?

Do you think i should add the maps to the google doc, and add maps to all civs etc. And give full breakdowns?

Maybe just put up some links. In any case, I double-checked the in-game description and the Turks refer to both the Seljuk Empire and the Ottoman Empire. The former, however, at least has many more IA names: Turks | Age of Empires Series Wiki | Fandom

Btw, if you want to put some links to their military organisation instead: here and here. Just to confirm what I was saying.

So actually I’m a huge proponent of Bulgarians getting Elite Steppe Lancer and having Stirrups effect them. Yes I know the historical ties are a bit strained.

However, firstly infantry and cavalry typically don’t play nice with each other in a comp. They’re both melee, they get stuck on each other. Hard to have them both engage. So as Bulgarians, you have to pick whether you want the melee part of your comp be THS w Bagains or Cavalier/Konniks/Hussar with Stirrups, with something else supporting.

Maybe you could go with THS, then have hussar raiding around, but it seems somewhat either/or. hard to really get the most out of both at the same time.

Well having Elite Steppe Lancer mitigates this. THS in front, Steppe Lancer a tile away. FWIW I tested it out in the scenario editor, and it’s pretty good. Not the best, but for what is a double gold comp, pretty light on gold acutally.

Also I can’t think of any other civ that’d even want to attempt a steppe lancer + infantry comp beside Bulgarians.

Also Turks and Magyars have FU CA with bonuses/UTs helping out. Both have top tier CA. Bulgarian CA is ok but nothing special. I don’t see why Bulgarians should have a weaker connection to their steppe roots than turks or magyars. I’d propose Magyars and Turks get steppe Lancer but not elite, and then bulgarians getting elite steppe lancer.

Either that, or have bagains effect both THS and SL. I do like that idea as well. Neither line get’s the last upgrade, but we compensate with extra armor.

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Reality: Steppe in front, CA at the back

(Or just use the patrol stand ground formation, no more bumping!)

(Stirrups SL seems to be sick tho)

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The Bulgarians are very similar to the Sicilians, only the Sicilians can play a little more defensively and then try to retake the map with UT. The Bulgarians, on the other hand, must always play very aggressively.

As far as I am concerned, the starting mistake was to make the Bulgarians also an infantry civilisation. When in fact historically they were known to get chased by the enemy army and then charge in turn with devastating force. But I digress.


I made a mod which gives them to Turks and Huns, if anyone wants to check it out. No civ bonuses apply currently, i need thoughts on which bonuses should apply and not apply: Mods Single - Age of Empires - World's Edge Studio