Suggested tweaks to the random civ picker

Real random picking doesnt exist. All random number generators are approximations. Some generators are better then others. That might be the root cause of non uniform outcomes.

Random is independent of your previous picks. It isnt influenced with civ pickers afaik. Random is only affected by other random pickers.

So if player 1 picks Huns and player 2 picks random, then p2 can still end up with Huns.
But if player 1 picks random and gets Huns and player 2 picks random again, then p2 cant get Huns.

There’s Random and Full Random, the former selects civs without repetition, Full Random just chooses randomly even if someone has chosen the same civ.

A pool of random civs would be a very welcome addition to the game, one I’ll always try to echo and voice support for whenever I get the chance to. Sadly, I don’t know if there’s a neat way of submitting suggestions outside of hoping a dev reads the forums and decides to implement this.