While Mongol labeled as “Aggerssion, Cavalry, Nomadic”, it is currently more like “Tower, Rush Castle, Siege”. Those suggestion are by my experience of trying different Mongol strategies at higher level.
Tower rush is strong, not only Mongol is tower rushing now, but also China, Rus, Eng. On the other hand, outside tower rush other Mongol strategies seems weak. Not much choice of strategies beside tower rush or rush castle. Just like I said before, all other strategies got nerfed more than tower rush, when devs tried to nerf tower rush/quick castle.
- 1000 → 750 hp, Rus wooden tower 2000 → 1500 hp
- Villager do extra 10 torch damage (So as Barbican of the Sun)
- Fortify outpost: Moves to age3, 1000->750 hp
- Mongol Tower provide 20sec buff to Cav & Trader (Not for other units even with upgrade)
Currently tower is hard to kill even without any unit to protect, with fewer hp/ villager bonus. Forward tower could be burned down way quickly, meanwhile fewer impact on defensive towers. The Mongol speed changes was aimed for tower rush but nerfed other play style instead. Keep may also need a nerf too.
Mongol eco:
- Remove ovoo 50% bonus on Pasture
- Ger 100 → 75 wood
- Steppe Redoubt 50%->30% gold drop off bonus, -20% cost/time eco upgrade
- Hunting rate +10%
Currently starting goldstone location have too much impact on Mongol, removing pasture bonus and cheaper ger reduce the problem of RNG. Steppe Redoubt bonus is too simple/strong, make Mongol always try to rush to castle. Changes also make Mongol have more incentive to flight for hunt, rather than make pastures and ignore other food sources.
Mongol units/landmark
- Mongol receive free regular Horseman upgrade once age2
- Mangudai rework
- Khaganate Palace able to choose units
- Khan no longer same order as scout in formation
- Able to make all military building at age1 (Units are still locked by age)
Early horseman is more like a penalty than bonus for Mongol. Mangudai wasn’t even a good unit in high level game before mongol multiple nerfs, and it is getting another nerf in pup as horseman has more armor. Unlike Horse Archer or Camel Archer, their base damage is low vs horseman/heavy units, also very low hp for it cost, likely the weakest civ unique unit in the game. On the other hand, lower elo players hate them epically in team games.
Khan leading in formation, causing it got pushed by melee units to front line and die. Able to make archer range at age1, means it can make units quicker once age2, also build not blocked by scout if ovoo far away. Overall, changes to make Mongol able to flight at age2 without tower rush rather than rushing castle.