I don’t really come to this forum very often, as I prefer esocommunity, but I see a lot of people complaining about the Swedes.
Sweden is a great civ in team games where you can boom, but at the top level, it has a lot of weaknesses, especially in early game, which is why most of the top players don’t have an issue with this civ.
So just 2 simple points left:
Do we only need to care about top player balance.
Top players can control a Sweden and avoid their boom, so it is unnecessary to care how Sweden goes crazy afterwards, if they can boom, is opponent’s fault, right?
Friend, now you begin to know what the game is about and who are those who have a voice and vote
and that everything is governed by their personal feelings that it is right or wrong, that’s why aoe3 is the most unbalanced RTS you can find and it’s what hurts them, luck would be if they don’t delete the message, they always do it because they know what it is truth
There are a difference between calling a civ “op” and “bad design”. Sweden need some change but most of peaple here just ask for a nerf.
what difference you think of? imo its quite good rn maybe a tiny bit too good but then again you CAN beat it with many strategies especially if you open with map control and crossbows or something against caroleans early on, fx japan have a very good early standoff since if sweden open with caroleans you go yumi, if they start with cav go ashigaru, but then again i aint no pro
I think caro should be better early age 2 (they are so garbage) but they are too versatil with upg, you can’t realy hard counter them. Swe is like the old japan, you know min 8 if you have lose because you can’t deal with their eco. This civ is a sort of all in eco all the time, you start with an adventage against them (because swe are slow and weak early age 2) but if you lose your adventage it’s instant lose.
In theory its possible to either crossbow/culverin and maybe some cannon and defeat them overwhelmingly but maybe thats not possible within 13 min of a game
You can use culverins in the game yep, early on the game it totally denies their aggression.
If they go age 4 or get a decent mass of caroleans then things change as they can charge your canons.
if you got skirms/some sort of body shield and you have enough cannon protected in the back, it should be easy since the caroleans would get shread if they took such a fight