Tatars, in particular their cav archers, need urgent nerf on hills

Actually this number is 20%, cause everyone gets +25% when uphill, so an extra 25% to that is a 20% increase: 125 (100%) + 25 (20%) = 150 (120%).

Just so we’re clear on the numbers. :slight_smile:


edited thanks, 20 chars

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No problem. :slight_smile:

Becuse the turks don’t get the bonus cliff damage? I am not talking about nerfing cav archers from a cav archer civ but nerfing their hill bonus because they have the strongest cav archers already

He literally said:

So no, Tatars aren’t the “strongest cav archers” anyway. And no, the hill bonus isn’t that strong, since it reinforces only one side of the bonus (more damage) without affecting the other (the fact units do less damage if they attack from a lower place)


TheViper ranks Tatars as C-Tier on 1v1 Arabia:
Hera ranks Tatars as B-Tier on ‘Best overal civ’:
Hera ranks Tatars UU as B-Tier on ‘Best UU’:

All ranks are made for current patch.

Arguable the two best players in the world wont put Tatars as S-Tier. They even dont put the civs on A-Tier.

Seems like @RoomOfTheEvil has a much better understanding of the game as the best players of the world!


Tatars are B tier, everyone knows it.

I believe he puts the Keshik in A tier at the end

You are right. I watch it some days ago. For this thread i just had a look at were he put the UU. Could be Viper put Tatar at the end at another Tier too. I dont know. Currently i wachting his tier list :slight_smile:

At least have the decency to completely watch the video before writing. Viper puts them as B tier on 1vs 1 in arabia because they lack infantry and their upgrades, halbs in particular, which doesn’t concern this thread at all. Did you even read what i wrote?

Oh, surprise, surprise, it’s almost as if the OP broken civ does have weaknesses that do matter. Weird eh?


If lacking infantry upgrades is enough to prevent the “OP bonus” from making them S tier then maybe it’s not that OP. Or even maybe not at all.

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And did i type they have the strongest infantry in game? No i wrote they have the strongest cav archers.

The op bonus is making their cav archers broken. The lacking infantry upgrade is making sure their economy is raided which doesn’t concern cav archers and their hill bonus.

Anyway we’ll see if he will continue to say this when facing them used by other top players. Currently the vipah is so strong that he can go troll build, d civs and win the game anyway.
He did say in paper they should be good.

But if the hill bonus was broken, it would allow Tatars to win the game early with archers/cav archers (especially with free thumb ring on top of that) way too often and before the infantry weakness matters and thus they would definitely be seen as much better.

Im sure he already both played as and against them.

I’m sure he made the tier list assuming equal levels, like everyone do when making a serious tier list.

Good =/= broken. No one here tries to claim Tatars are bad.


For each civs he was argueing with himself about the tier. So Tatars B or C Tier was already discussed. So Tatars are upper C Tier or lower B Tier. Not much difference. No S Tier or A Tier.

I do read the thread. You also know what balance is? Each civ has strong strengths and weaknesses. They need to be balanced. Hill bonus is strong, but Tatars also has weaknesses as balance. In the end Tatars end up around B or C Tier. That means the civ as a whole isnt OP and do not need something to nerf. If some strength of a civ is really broken and need a nerf, the civ needs to be S Tier for sure.

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Viper has to consider defense as well. Even if the cav archers are broken on hill, if you have no answer to raids then it isn’t good in a map like arabia. Early play is also important and their cav archers play a role in the mid/late game. Which doesn’t mean the hill bonus isn’t broken.

Well, since the hill bonus also applies to your drush (lots of micro sure, but not a problem for a pro) and to your archers, then if it was OP it would carry you straight through the ages until you get cav archers. Which isn’t what happens of course.

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It is broken on cav archers because they have the best cav archers in the game already.

Free thumb ring incentivizes you to rush so you’re not going to wait for a castle tbh. And how comes “being better vs units that do between 8 and 10 pierce” = “best”?

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That would be the Turk Cav Archers, followed by the Hun Cav Archers (discounts on such a microable unit pay a lot of dividends).