TC/Towers/Castles should stop throwing arrows on ram

I think this part of the game is good as it is now. It’s already much easier to be on the defender side, with this it would be even easier. Now you just have to micro a little bit with the TC, it’s really quite simple to do even in plastic league where I am. It’s not good to oversimplify everything.


Why don’t you build an army then if there’s archers in front of your TC? Scout your opponent, see if he’s going for units x, build counter units y. Your TC is already a defensive powerhouse at early-mid game and I seriously wouldn’t want it to become even stronger. It is a huge invest (ressources and APM wise) to tear an opponent down with rams in feudal age and currently there’s no other option than that.

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It should obviously not be automated. But shift click queue as with other units should be allowed.

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Then why does any of defensive landmark exist in the game? Why do castle kill units? They should be there just for vision and you should make army to counter attacks. TC is supposed to defend your eco and in presence of ram it doesn’t do that which means your entire eco under TC is exposed to all units and they can disrupt your eco like it was a outside your base. Even if you have standing army you won’t be able to make more army because troops just stand under sabotage your eco.
Right now the ram push starts from killing TC first and going for other buildings and/or snipping landmark. The intended mech should to destroy production buildings houses and isolate resources and slowly creep to TC and kill player not the other way.

No it isn’t. Your spears which are suppose to defend your archers can just burn down the TC in presence of ram. Micro is on defender side. Managing his army to counter push and burning ram with villagers and re-targeting TC and every tower.
The intended mech is to put spears inside rams and get them out when villagers try to burn down the ram. Archers can come in range and kill villagers and get out of range. Micro should be on attacker’s side.

I agree even if they just allow queuing it will still be far better then current mech.

Then build army. It’s not the job of the TC to single handeldy defend you from any attacking units. Micro is on offender side for not getting hit by the TC in the first place. The TC attacks automatically and a ram is literally the only option to kind of decrease its OP status in early-mid game.

Again: Build army that aids your TC. The attacking units need plenty of time to cross the entire map which puts you at an advantage anyways. Your defending army also is not exposed, while the attacking player’s army is exposed.

Can’t believe how many people here are crying because the defensive mechanics or somewhat are not as powerfull as they would like them to be. Did you ever play any other major RTS like sc2 or wc3? RTS like the AoE series are designed so that activity gets rewarded. If you don’t reward activity anymore it will just become a multiple hours turtle fest.


why is the thread growing lol?? Is there really a strong and growing opinion that this game’s priority aiming system does NOT need tuning??

Range/melee units should prioritize
biology units > fishing ships > warships > siege > buildings

infantry > cavlary > fishing ships > warships > siege > buildings

siege > fishing ships > warships > biology units > buildings

bombard/ rams
buildings > siege > fishing ships > warships > biology units