Teammates' player names invisible upon rejoining ranked multiplayer lobby after game

Game Version:

  • Build (update 33315)
  • Platform (Steam)


Teammates’ player names invisible upon rejoining ranked multiplayer lobby after playing a ranked multiplayer game with the same teammates. Rejoining the ranked multiplayer lobby automatically puts you into a party with the same team you had just played with; however, their names are invisible, while you can still see their civilization. The player’s own name and civilization is visible. This makes it impossible to know whether they have rejoined the lobby.

Reproduction Steps:

  1. Play a ranked multiplayer random map team game (2v2, 3v3, or 4v4).
  2. After the game is completed, exit the game, click on Multiplayer, then in the ranked lobby you should be placed in the same party you were in for the previous game.
  3. However, you will only be able to see the civilizations of the other players in the party, not their names.

Will do this in a few days.