The Alt+F4 Multiplayer Problem

Althought i would have to define myself as a “one map player” or a “alt+f4’er” as you wrote, i m 100% coincide with the next line:

I already address this topic on a thread Map selection real problem AOE2 DE
Or in spanish if you will Problema con selección de mapa AOE2 DE
I recommend to check them to have more insight on the community opinion.

The solution is as simple as that, let the players chose, some people would argue “but in ranked you have to know how to engage every map” and there are a lot of reasons why this is just false.

But to not repeat myself with points i made on the other post i would give an example.
Lets say ranked is meant to play in a way that you have to end up with the same skills as the proplayers since they are in the top of the ladder… that includes to play in every single map of the poll (with the freedom of banning some of your choise) Why this isnt working for the civs then? Lets force the player into banning the 33% of them. “They have to learn how to play with all of them”.