Now and after we got the May patch, I just want to discuss the remaining civs that don’t have any eco bonuses and my suggestions to them.
Many people will say Magyars are fine, and have best scouts, CA, UU and bla bla bla…but I am not talking here about only arabia, I am talking about a general situation and eco stats, so Magyars may need an eco bonus as other 30 civs who have it already, my suggestion:
Hunting animals provide +30% food.
Some of you will say they build 30% faster but of course it is a meh except in castle drops and Trush, mu suggestion:
Researching every eco upgrade provied 50% gold for food eco upgrade
Example: double bit axe cost 100 food, 75 wood, if the Spanish player research it he will get 50 gold (50% of food cost for the double bit axe).
sigh…I hate this civ, i hate playing against it, and i hate playing with it, and i hate it’s stupid UU and stupid UTs, but Goths one of those few civs who remains with “0” eco bonuses, maybe you will say they have loom and +15 but still meh.
My suggestion:
-Goths start with 50 room pop cap available.
-No more have the instant loom.
-Barracks cost -25% wood.
Well actually IMO they are fine but their team bonus is stupied, so i suggest:
-Reasearching farm upgrades add food instantly to farms even after being build.
And a free bonus for only them: farmers carry +5.
Yeah they have +10% faster vills but still meh bonus, my suggestion:
Villagers speed move +10% dark, +15% feudal, +20% castle. Or start from dark age with +15% and no more in other ages.
Now I only will talk about those, yeah there still some civs like Saracens, Koreans, Portuguese and Bulgarians don’t have that powerful eco, but those civs have powerful military discounts and powerful UUs especially Bulgarians, but Koreans will remain the weakest but I don’t want to talk about them now, and about Saracens they have a great market but it still a market so it is not free and it is only good early feudal and early castle for sick Yolo pushes strats but I don’t want to touch them now.
So what do you think about the other 5 civs above (Magyars, Incas, Spanish, Berbers and Goths) ?