The newest patch has ruined the game

Those maps were insta gg in any competitive match, having trush as an option while walking x3 more to get wood puts you a huge disadvantage, for casual games you could try it, but vs good players is just gg, those maps shouldn’t be a thing.

Firstly the last patch cut the palisades in half, so i resist your contention the developers are looking for a balanced game. They want the game to be all about the horses. They even went so far as to include a fast feudal trainer in the game. In addition to the walls and the trainer, the last patch cut the tree generation by 30% so black forest is not really a wallable map, and if you do wall it they are at half strength, so players use houses. So another rushing component. RUSH RUSH RUSH getting there faster does not make you a better player. It simply makes you the same as everyone else. you followed the trainer and rushed and as a result it is scouts all over the place running to and fro attacking villagers and running from the fight. So in addition to weak strategy you get predictable and boring. This game has lasted this long…with a stronger base then AOE3 because it is involved and elaborate, not simple and plain. Lastly the go so far as to pair set teams, guy who pick the map, make a plan base their civs on the plan and are connected on discord and vs them they put complete strangers. Another thing done to make the game fast. If you don’t think that is relevant you should see how many players on the team rank are way above 2500…few of them are in the 3000. Is that because they are so good? No it is the pairing system gives them a huge advantage. With the non DE version I could see who i was going to play and what civs they chose. The developers wanted faster games so they would play well on twitch. Empire wars…the examples of rush rush rush are everywhere.

yepp exactly, i can actually relate, i used to play ranked but i didnt enjoye the intensity of like having to micro af, clicking 100/min every where it’s not a game anymore for me above 1200elo, so i go lobby and have a lot lot more fun

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I mean, if my strategy that I want to use isn’t working, I just keep using it until my elo drops far enough that it starts to work half of the time and I stabilize, but I’m not concerned with raising my elo at all, just like playing

That is a viable option to get games that are fun and let you use a sub-optimal play style that doesn’t fit the meta, and it works for ranked, you’ll lose quite a few on the way down but as long as you keep doing the poorer strategy and don’t suddenly follow a build order on the people in the lower elo bracket you wind up in games that are still competitive

This probably isn’t for everyone of course, if you want to do something different you have to go through games where you’re either doing too well and it’s easy, or you start losing a bunch again - but it gets much more evened out than custom lobbies ever do