The new civs aren’t broken. You feel they are broken, but nothing I’ve read so far justify the broken, like what would be the Cumans step lancers on DE release.
They’re is some defined and known areas were they are indeed strong. And if so it’s confirmed by the stats, some nerfs will probably be addressed.
But you should learn the difference between the “stats show they are broken” and “damn it’s a lot of new play style, and I am not that good at the game, and I lose, so it must be broken! Not my fault!”.
And so far, the expac released yesterday. We don’t have the stats.
Also if you bring the argument with such terrible generality, aka “BURGUNDIANS ARE BROKEN! COUSTILLIERS ONE SHOT MY PALADINS!” Then the coustilliers are your problems, not necessarily the civ.
And again, it’s a “you’re thinking that”. It’s biased. It’s not statistics, it’s not necessarily reality.
Here some counter and biased arguments from me, to show you how ridiculous this way of thinking is :
I managed to handle and win the all-in Burgundian with the flemish militia. Does that mean it’s useless? Was the player I played against worst than I? See, many questions and no responses.
I managed to deal with Coustilliers by forcing them to fight, and deal their charged attack to useless trash units. Does it mean Coustilliers aren’t that strong since, under pressure, it’s a bad unit? No, it doesn’t mean that necessarily either.
What we can say for sure is that the new civs brings a lot of new gameplay, and by their Unique Technologies. And I feel like a part of the aoe2 community doesn’t want the game to evolve.
I think it’s sad for a game that successful not bringing new game mechanics, not bringing new updates and reworks.
Keep in mind that, if we keep the good ol’ design, new civs are likely to be very similars, and game designs will not be that exciting.
New patch and new balance means new interest into a game, for a part of players. In the actual steam stats you can clearly see a lot of players coming back with new patches.
I hope you will question yourself, and I hope by this post I will change your point of view for a bit, at least.