The Pit is a team game wonder builders wet dream

Who thought adding highly defendable corners to the map was a decent idea while we still have 15 minute wonder timers lol.

This is in addition to the map being pretty lack lustre in general.

  • players very close
  • it’s quite open + 3 wide passes
  1. start attacking in feudal
  2. take SS to win.

I mean, yes you can loose to wonder… but if opponent managed to build a wonder + defend his base + defend SS. and have time to do it… probably… just probably you bad.

Wonder is 10 castles + 20 bombards.

Yes, i get, that in noobs games it can be ended with wonders… but it’s really not this map.

if not - any map will end up with complains about wonder.
it’s one of the smallest TeamGame maps.