The "regular" programme of things not mentioned in the Patch

Ordinace rifle got a nerf to multipliers against light cav and range shock infantry


Georgian Hussars regenerate

Disciple gain speed upon age 2

Japan icon changes

Chilean revolt somewhere allows estates to autogather gold

Also for reasons I dont understand yet it also activates the German consulate effects

Likewise Romainian revolt gets Russian Consulate effects

Italian carbine cavalry now get upgrades along side goons (no shadow tech)

Thats all that I found interesting for now

edit: Japan gets incendiary grenades after the samurai mortar card, to eat buildings

  • With patch 15.30007, Disciples get +0.5 speed from the Commerce Age.

This was mentioned in the patch notes:
Updated the icons of the Japanese Attack cards for Samurai, Yumi, Ashigaru and Yabusame


ah it wasnt listed under the Japan changes thanks

huh never notice that

Cause chile gets the german consulate army. Dont know why it needs to activate the effect, but its definetly connected to that

Same here

I am pretty sure Romania already has the russian army card

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And the inf 8 cavalry archer card. I even made a bug report about that card a week ago so it’s definitely been in there.


Chile getting german things is such a meme.

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Nah the meme is Argentina.

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Chile adopted Prussian military traditions - that’s why such small references are cool.