There should be Dark Age Aggression / Feudal Age needs to cost more gold

It is that the horsemen do not have any bonus damage against vills + clunky movement + slow attack speed with horrible combat animation that makes this unit atrocious at its best.

Have you looked at aoe2 and 3 lately

It would be nice if you know how to comment to someone with a quote.
when I look at your comment … I don’t understand what u want to talk about or refer to…

Aye, horseman are totally useless right now, why bother going dark age aggression when it might lose you the game? I remember when Malians were launched and there was a discussion about pressuring the pit mine and houses

Imagine spending 380 resources for 2x horseman and 2x scouts to burn down just 2 houses and an enemy manages to age up with a defensive landmark!

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There is clearly a prelate healing the villagers and you’re not 3 horsemen to 1 villager? Your statement are very off base!!!

Instead you HOULD have been focusing killing the prelate and all the in and out horsemen micro is good as long as it forces idle time on his villagers.

But to the OP

dark rush needs to be a thing for ALL civs. I’m not talking game ending but game influencing the way ottoman MS Spearman in dark age can throw enemy build order out of wack.

Gold and stone should ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS spawn outside of TC 8 tile protection AND be on opposing sides of your TC (nerf esp to mongols but also fast TC play). I’m even fine with gold and stone both always spawning behind the TC standard position just make sure its beyond the 8 tiles and opposite of each other.

Already this setup force delays 2nd TC meta boom and make it riskier without even changing the price of TCs.

Donzos become an effective drush unit in this scenario; defense towers and dark age barracks become more prevently also.

Alternatively shorten TC LOS and range attack by 1 tile each; this way Aachen chapel and imperial academy and emergency repair are NOT negatively impacted.

Either way make resources LESSS SAFEE.

perfect open map setup would have 1 moderately safe woodline but small (20 trees or less), 2nd woodline is abundant but not covered by TC. LIKEWISE berries are safe but deer are clearly exposed, and we spoke on gold and stone already.

IMO added risk makes the game funn!

Last example, Marshland is one of my favorite maps WHEN either and i or the enemy rushes to collect the shoreline fish in the middle. That exposure in my experience tends to lead the early and scrappy gameplay as the opposing sides CAN’T just let the other colllect that fast food unscathed ¿!! Hence towers landmark drops, dark age spearman; fast feudal french knight etc etc.


Ye unfortunately the video doesn’t show it when I added 2 more horseman there, having used 5 horseman for the trade.

But as you can see that sniping prelate would not actually change much due to high damage of villagers compared to horseman.

You have really keen point about resource spawn range from TC, now it’s ridiculously easy to hug TC safely. Or just drop one 100wood tower and be completely safe.