So far im really enjoying the Expansion,i was with the community since the first beta and stress test and some things since then that i asked many times still havent been added(many of these are just basic stuff and ,cosmetics,)
First thing i would like to be added in the next patch its…Random Maps,Random Biomes and even bigger maps sizes,when you plaz the biggest map in 4v4 it starts feeling small,so i would like for devs to give us a bigger size maps and make REAL WORLD TYPE MAPS from AoE2.
Next i would like to be added is some particles like rain,snow or desert dust storm to make game more ,cinematic,? i guess…or give us some LIGHTING CHANGES like,day,night,dusk etc.
I heard that next patch will add snowy like biome…make it SNOW LIKE IN REAL LIFE.
Also i would like the sheep mechanic to be changed,give different ,sheep, types for biomes it would spice up the game and playing on sahara and hunting sheep and deer doesnt make sense tbh.