this is the wild west equivalent to a Kenworth with a sleeper cab
Those horses are wearing some fancy bridles.
That usually happens to my opponents cavalry after they lose, when one is free to move around the map they look like that.
Heck, I have plenty o screenshots like it.
Weird right?
So this is a bug right?
Yes, but it only shows up after the game is over.
Ohhh nice
What a turn-around of events!
The looser planking out of shame is a time honored aoe3 “feature.”
They don’t just plank, sometimes they also shrink and start on fire.
I’ve also seen it where they become gigantic too.
Gigantic happens to me mid-game with the lakota warchief and it freaks me out sometimes. I didn’t even know what it was for the longest time, they will just cover the whole screen for a split second.
Suele suceder con la skin femenina lakota “La sabĂa”. Tiene un fallo extraño cuando galopa por la pradera y alejas el cursor en el mapa.
Otro error lo tienen los tártaros de lipka de la casa Jagelion, durante el juego se tumban como las fotos que muestran en este hilo
This thread is funny man!
Funny and Sad at the same time. This bug hasn’t been fixed for so long.