This is the best patch by far

There were several top players that were complaining about siege too so it’s not something only low elo players complained. They also agreed that although its true that Chinese is the weaker civ now, their siege needed a nerf. So now it’s a matter of the devs buffing the civ in other areas to make it viable again rather than make the civ relying only on siege. Many players suggested making second landmarks cheaper for the Chinese which would he a good start to bring the civ up


I totally agree, do 25% to start, see how it plays out!

Reason why I watched the loss its the best way to see how you handle things. Do you really think that if I watch one of your victories that anything would change?

edit: sent you DM about one of your victories because you somehow thought its different

Im well aware of that and I have not said leave siege untouched. I have said they can’t go ahead and butcher civilization which strength and identity supposed to be gunpowder and had the worst early and mid game make them even worse and remove the viability at late game without providing any sort of compensation buff.

China’s issues are not just the price of landmarks but there are other core issues that not been addressed since the launch of game and one of them being the tax collection and IO’s.

Its fine to nerf something but if they do it this way then its not absolutely not fine and most likely all pros agree that it was ■■■■ way to do which butchered china

I understand the frustration, but what’s done is done. The best you can do now is try to give suggestions and ask the devs to help improve your civ and what areas they need improving, otherwise just complaining about it all the time won’t help.
February patch is out and it’s done, but we may make a small difference on the changes that could come next patch


Grubby say Chinese bad tier at him youtuber.
He can win, because he pro player.
and at Grubby youtuber, he say Chinese worst civ.

All those suggestions been given for months how to improve china and none of them been listened or anything been done other than making all aspect of civ less viable and worse

If it was any other civ they would’ve gotten something. Like Abbasid. They complained their civ and they received few small but good buffs

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Stop your BS


That is very wrong. China got quite a few buffs on the winter update. And I am pretty sure the devs will consider buffing it again


I have won every match with china since new patch, whats your point?


Vs easy AI don’t count


Where did he say he was against ai. You guys need to stop whining it’s honestly getting ridiculous


versus real ppl darling… AI only for masteries


So… if you loose all matches as mongols it needs a buff? Stop worrying yourself with balance, leave it to the adults XD


You were acting like child actually, he said he won, that’s it.
You were trolling like he must be vs ai easy Lol.
Really, be an adult instead of child Xd


He said he won a match so Chinese are viable lol. Stop raping logic


“few buffs”

IO is only thing that was buffed which was the tax collection changed from 30seconds to 15 seconds.

Zhuge nu was reworked like FL. Nerffed and buffed at same time which isn’t a buff

Why don’t you look at the most relevant elo rating out there and post it


Yes exactly this… I can’t believe no one is taking that into account. They’ve actually done the opposite of what they set out to accomplish.

Wow look at that pick rate… that says it all 4.4%

High ELO players know China is unviable so they don’t even bother picking it.