This might little help for Aussie_Drongo and his fans

You finally get my point. :laughing:
People now admit they’re double standers to review US with the other mistakes.
That’s why I told you all stop complaining,if you don’t complain from beginning.
You don’t like US can just say it.
No necessary to pretend you really care about TIMELINE and HISTORICAL INACCURACY.


The Franco-Prussian War saw armies in 1870, that would make anything in the Americas look positively backwards, for example.

U.S. Civil War: Am I a joke to you?

From Wikipedia:

Numerous technological innovations during the Civil War had a great impact on 19th-century science. The Civil War was one of the earliest examples of an “industrial war”, in which technological might is used to achieve military supremacy in a war. New inventions, such as the train and telegraph, delivered soldiers, supplies and messages at a time when horses were considered to be the fastest way to travel. It was also in this war when countries first used aerial warfare, in the form of reconnaissance balloons, to a significant effect. It saw the first action involving steam-powered ironclad warships in naval warfare history. Repeating firearms such as the Henry rifle, Spencer rifle, Colt revolving rifle, Triplett & Scott carbine and others, first appeared during the Civil War; they were a revolutionary invention that would soon replace muzzle-loading and single-shot firearms in warfare. The war was also the first appearances of rapid-firing weapons and machine guns such as the Agar gun and the Gatling gun.

Im looking forward to home city decorations for Japanese and Indians maybe even the Lakotas and Incas.

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Exonyms are commonly used in the game. Germans don’t call themselves German. French don’t call themselves French. Japanese definitely don’t call themselves Japanese. The idea behind the “go woke go broke” principle is when devs and artists make a shallow attempt to be culturally “sensitive” through making a token minimal effort to change a few things while ignoring many other cultural issues. It comes off as less genuine concern for nations and more so as insincere pandering to gain points with the PC police.

Luckily, we have AnaWinters here who can give us much needed insight and valuable knowledge into Lakota cultural and preferences (even then of course she doesn’t speak for all Lakota people, just as I don’t speak for all of my people). I wonder how valuable the “tribal consultations” conducted by FE were. Did they represent the will of the people as a whole or were they simply based on the radical hypersensitive opinion of some aloof academic?

AnaWinters has provided some support for the Lakota changes but I’m not sold on the Haudenosaunee changes. Also do Native Americans really take offense at the AOE3 legacy ability convert bears to act as allies? I think people have known for most of history that Native Americans didn’t have pet black bears hanging out in their towns. It always just seemed like a fun mechanic to me. Of course if the people of the Haudenosaunee are really against it then obviously I respect that.

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The point of getting rid of the animal conversion was because it further perpetuates the stereotype of Natives being some sort of mystical wood elf. A fully grown bear isn’t something you can just up and convert - you kill it or you run. A bear doesn’t care if it’s killing a white man or a Native, it’ll kill just the same.

But this logic falls flat when you look at the broader scope of the game - what, then, is the Community Plaza, but a place for mysticism to happen in the game? There’s no logical foundation for it, as none of the “Ceremonies” in place even remotely represent the types of things that our dances and ceremonies truly represent. On top of that, one of the reasons for removing the dances was because that’s a part of Native culture we’d rather stay out of the public eye and forum, yet here are these ceremonies that are, for all intents and purposes, the exact same thing. The Community Plaza needs to be removed entirely if they’re actually trying to get rid of the mystical native stereotype.

What ended up happening was the Game Dev team just made some woke changes to make themselves feel better about themselves, not because they actually cared about getting rid of stereotypes.


The Asian civs are still full of Magic so it was definitely an empty gesture from th devs.

In which way Dukkha Suffering supposed to make my Musketeers move slower? If they see the Brahmin suffering that much, they might even just take pity and finish the job quicker!

Mystic Syllable? Is this Age of Mythology 2? And on a Muslim civilization (Mughals)?


btw maybe a dumb question but what is your profile picture? i mean does it have some sort of meaning?

It’s Hanwi, the Lakota moon spirit, wife to Wi, the Sun.