
If any employee reads these,

If you are unaware, there is a petition signed by (as of time of writing) 2500+ people asking you not to cancel the DLC for Age of Empires III Definitive Edition, announced last year.

The petition quickly gained support, and got signed by many potential buyers, who were left disappointed.

Some people bought the game having the false impression that it will keep getting updated for some time as promised.

I understand that the decision to cancel the DLC came from the higher-ups, but maybe they could reconsider it, after seeing how many people were waiting for the DLC, and the release date could be moved once more and at least deliver one of the promised civilizations.

I understand that the game can’t keep getting new content forever, but this DLC was something we waited for a year since the announcement, being told that it is coming.

The game is loved by many, it is a unique real time strategy with nothing similar on the market, which is a reason for such a dedicated player base.

What is more, the remastered version surely took a lot of time to make and it is a huge shame that it gets abandoned this way. We don’t want to end this journey with such a distaste.

Announcing the oncoming end of support, then releasing the DLC and maybe a few patches before finally moving on, would leave the product in much better state and without the bad PR. It would surely boost further sales of AOE3 DE and other products, instead of hurting them - which is the case now with these news.


They will not change their idea just because of fans don’t want or sign anything.
I just hope they can open their source for modders. With that, community will able to finished the progress which the devs abandon.


They can change their idea just because of fans want or sign anything.
But I don’t think relying solely on mods is effective With that,Forgotten empires’s devs will able to update the progress which the world’s edge/Microsoft devs continue this way developers gradually soften up with change for aoe3de’s players and turning aoe3de for update,patch and new dlc

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They announced the DLC 1 year ago. And then canceled all plans for Aoe 3 with just one letter. That proves they have considered and decided to stop developing Aoe 3 and focus resources on other games. With such actions, Actually I don’t think they will change their decision just because of what the fans want or think.

About the mod source, just my personal hope that they will do that. At least I think it will help improve the game by somehow - even while the devs stopped development

I doubt about source code for AoE3DE, they might change their mind.
But source code for AoE3 Legacy must be opening, please…