To be honest with you, I no longer like landmark victories

Oh I much prefer team games, but yes the fire lancer meta in team games is cancer, luckily a lot of Chinese players won’t use them bc they’re no fun to use, myself included when I do play Chinese.

I think the fix they are implementing will have an effect, but I fear it may not do enough to nerf the torch damage and they will still be too effective at landmark sniping.

Or maybe we should reconsider certain landmarks? Something doesn’t feel right about fortresses being burned by torch wielding horsemen, maybe certain fortified landmarks, i.e. red palace or elzbach palace, can not be attacked except by artillery, similar to walls.

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I completely agree. There are so many other disadvantages to Abbasid that are more pressing (i.e. camel cost and utility, aging up provides no immediate benefit).

There just aren’t advantages to the Abbasid landmark system.

I don’t play Abbasid but don’t they get +5 fire armor to all their buildings in vicinity of House of Wisdom? So encouraging placing it with your main TC and production?

I’m gonna be honest here, I only recently started playing Abbasid myself, and if these bonuses you speak of do exist, I was unable to tell as I was getting pillaged by the Chinese.

Edit: I felt like the speed of being landmark rushed was significantly quicker than if I were playing a 4 landmark civ.

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So essentially what you want is unit to be completely worthless because you’re unable to counter them. Sounds completely legit way to nerf things. Low elo players got the nerf they wanted. Not in single team pro game I have seen FL been used to snipe landmarks. They were cannon fodder.

Cheap cost and potentially good utility but in the end they were always getting killed fast and never had massive impact on outcome of match

Except for the Abbasid issue, where they’re at a huge disadvantage on most maps, I don’t mind.

I think it is a very good condition to prevent players from prolonging the game, many times unnecessarily and wasting time.

You can always stonewall the Landmark to avoid ugly sniping, though the Abbasid should perhaps be able to move the House of Wisdom if it gets destroyed to compensate along with fire resistance.


Last I checked most civs can have at most 4 except for China who can have 7.

And secondly, read my post. I don’t even play MP games. This is a game design issue I put up. I am not in this because I’m trying to win. I have been with the AoE franchise for a long long time and I’m a fan for good game design.

Stop trying to think it’s all just about winning.

Solution:. Regicide, protect the king!

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Haha hold on bud, I don’t generally loose to fire lancers.

But you can’t tell me cheesing all landmarks with 60 fire lancers is a fun way to play or win.

If it is, you and I have different ideas of fun

Fun is interesting thing because it depends on person. Some players prefer winning in way that they can “easily” win because opponent is caught off guard.

I rather win with 60 FL than trust my ally to do the right thing. :slight_smile: Its no different from ppl doing ram rushes. Ram rushes are super effective in 2v2 especially if team is not premade team


The worst comes when you may have great eco and great army and may be on your way to attacking them but if they take down the landmarks its all over… dang couldnt just they make ONE thing right? you cant even go build the base somewhere else cause you MUST defend the freaking landmarks… i only asked for a game mode like aoe3de haha total conquer/annihilation and treaty 40 minutes… was that soooo hard to do??? yesss, they had to bring up the wonder rush the FL rush the bombard rush the landmark thing… hahaha one normal game like the good old times MAYBE…??? am i asking too much???

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In Ranked it’s tough.

But you could disable landmark victories and proceed with the traditional conquest right?

Only in custom games, not quick matches, and I’m gonna assume ranked will work off quick matches most likely

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It does get buffed with a lot of health every time you age up. The thing is that health doesn’t matter when your base is sneakily infiltrated by fire lancers that can animation-cancel, especially in multiplayer. It takes much more time for an opponent to find the landmarks if you have placed them far away from each other (for example markets in the corners, some chinese landmarks in random locations so that they are not easily found etc.) than the time it actually takes to destroy them, so adding a bit of health will only save a very few seconds. It is much safer imo to have 4 landmarks of 7500 HP in different places, than 1 landmark of 30k HP.

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People prone to playing them aren’t good at RTS.

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@Hylianator These are my thoughts exactly. Hunting down landmarks is more difficult for every other civ compared to Abbasids’ landmarks. If playing against Abbasid, landmark snipe is the first strategy I’ll go for. In team games, we always target the Abbasid player. Playing as Abbasid, I can count on a landmark snipe attempt.

Which is all fine as part of the design, but the HP boost per age up needs to be higher than it is now and the age up bonus should be included for the wing you chose.

I totally agree with the OP.
Landmark victories are lame!
Ability for base relocation is a cornerstone of most RTS.

Once the hype over the better graphics goes away, this game will die like AOE 1 and 3.
It has potential! Stop ruining it with stupid game mode restrictions!!!

Worst take I’ve seen on these forums in a while. cmon man you must be trolling

Landmark victories are the best thing to happen in the AoE 4 series.

I should NEVER EVER AGAIN have to spend 30 mins hunting around the map for the last villager and TC, when my opponent refuses to surrender after being handily crushed, Only to find stacks upon stacks of walls in the corner of the map.

The above statement is the ONLY reason people dislike landmark victories. I should not be punished in MP because I cant dedicate 6 hours to a single match to out endure my opponent, because they’re happy to be bored and wait for me to quit, despite it being an obvious win. This is not a problem in pro games with good sportsmanship.

Your post is illumination on what kind of toxic player you are. If you cant defend your landmarks, you have LOST, realise you have lost and forfeit, not win through timing your opponent out with toxicity. the same people also turn off all other victory types to prevent their opponent just dropping down a wonder when they try to hide all over the map, just to facilitate this kind of “fat slob” style gameplay. This game does not need another “fat slob” as in AoE 2. In AoE 2, when this happens, it was always easier to leave and requeue, I can take that loss and beat the next non-toxic players, I shouldn’t have to do this in a competitive game. Whilst those clinging on to waste the opponents time, clearly don’t belong at the elo they’re at. For team games, its about teamwork, if your team cannot come to your defence to stop you being knocked out of the game via landmarks, find more skilled teammates who can manage at the elo you’re playing, rather than trying to ruin the game for everyone else.

I’ll reiterate, landmarks are the best thing to happen to this game series. Nothing is stopping you putting a landmark in a far corner to wall up, except you will lose against a decent player who doesn’t waste the minutes of villager idle time walking a villager to the corner to build it.

I am so glad players can not just “bore me to defeat”

I have one response for those who dislike the landmark victory. “Get good”