Top 10 Must-Have Civs with Ranking Justification (please change the incomplete, meaningless future civs poll)

Iberians is commonly used to describe the ancient people living in Hispania before the Roman invasion to be fair.

I understand what you are saying, but at the moment it seems we are going for more descriptive civilisations in game.

Asians is obviously a lot less descriptive since you have around 48 countries in the Asian continent.
But Iberian covers at least 5 different culture groups between a small peninsula.

Spain itself is a plurinational state with overlap of different territorial and ethnolinguistic identities than of a sole Spanish identity.

You have Basques, Catalans, Galicians, Andalucians and Valencians, and I’m not even counting the Portuguese, a different country and culture.

Sounding cooler is not always correct.

Viking sounds cool, but as we are often reminded, it was an occupation not a civilization.

I gave my suggestion of the Portuguese because it’s an homogeneous cultural group within the Iberian Peninsula, and not Iberians.
I have been toying with the Idea of trying to make one for Spain, but like I previously said, how can you represent what once where so many different crowns in one civ without upsetting anyone?

The English just represent the English, not the Welsh, not the Scottish, not the Irish.

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Well, they’re not going to add Iberians and Visigoths and Saracens, so don’t worry.

Basically aoe2 went with culture groups while aoe4 have been focusing on nations/empires. See french instead of Franks, hre instead of teutons or Germans etc.

Nah I disagree, they might include an african and mesoamerica civ. However having more unique civs vs copy and paste would be superior. I mean starcraft was (and probably still is) more popular than aoe2. If it wasn’t attached to Activision Blizzard and wasn’t in maintenance mode, they wouldn’t be hemorrhaging players.

To be honest if Frost Giant makes an RTS in the vein of WC or SC I will abandon the AoE ship. Especially with all the game breaking bugs, missing features, and copy/paste units. However once Relic ticks to boxes, I will adore this game beyond just hanging out in the forums.


If we like SC, we will go SC forum. We like history and AoE, we come here.

Some most important, most unique civs in AoE4 years still not in game. No new civ, game is dead yes.

Infantry, archer, cavalry is need but it’s time for something new. It’s time for appeal, Culture Power. It’s time for Persia.

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SC is big in korea, I dont think AoE2 is.
SC is way more fast paced which makes it better for audiences, as games dont take as long.

They are 2 different games despite sharing the RTS genre, it attracts a different crowd.
Thing with history every one tought that sticking a pointy stick on someone else would make a great weapon, so everyone have spears.
Horsies would go faster, so everyone got a horsie.

I prefer it this way, or maybe we should have an hydralisk vs longbow. :wink:

Trying to make AoE into SC is not the way to go in my opinion.

I would like a new WC game. Loved the old frozen throne.

But fantasy and sci fi settings have less limitations than historical.


AoM(2) can be like SC2 tbh, with “religious” instead of empire so you can cover a way more country which mean less faction but more asymetri, and because the historical accurracy is not needed, you can play aztek against greco-latine with no probleme.

The fast passing stuff is a matter of choice (i don’t think WC3 was that much fast and it was one of the best RTS of all time)

To be honest, it feels like they are trying to make the game into a hybrid between the two(which is smart because post 2019blizzard is beyond incompetent). Less civs, more unique units(not nearly as crazy as sc), faster paced game vs a normal AoE 2 match but not as fast as SC. Which is why I said they are gonna add maybe 2 more factions to make it an even 10, but they will probably make the civs more unique through balancing and different game builds. Quite sure they are in it for the long haul (hopefully).

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Sincerely I hope they make more than 10.

AoE 2 released with 13, but I would prefer a round 20 for AoE 4. (The more the merrier for me.)
I reckon the timeline chosen will limit the civs that make it.

But let’s see if they are limited by game mechanics.
Due to it being historical some stuff might overlap.

Empires usually adopted costums and traditions of others before.


Long term, no new civs kill the game.

More unique French, English sound good ok
You believe they can redesign existing civs? “Fat chance”… If no redesign, how you make English, French unique?

If you want to real new AoE, must go out of Europe into world.

As I said before, they will probably add 2-7 new civs from Africa and Mesoamerica. They probably don’t want to do anything past 15 civs. The game is not nearly as asymmetric as starcraft, but is more asymmetric than AoE2. It’s basically a happy middle between types of games. I just hope they make the MAA and other baseline units different stat-wise based off of faction culture. They already do this with the various ships, so the concept is there.

Seven civs from Africa and Mesoamerica. Why not. Zagwe, Showa, Kanem?

But no Persia?

- “Deal with it”

Persia was conquered by the mongols pretty early in the time period and the aoe4 is based around empires not cultures. An empire that was Persian is possible but tbh not that likely to come soon.

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No. In reality Yuan dynasty is the Mongol dynasty, but is China in AoE4 game. Obvious, culture, civilization more important then royal family (Mongol very very short-lived, very less important).

Persia both population and territory is bigger then English, Mongol, Rus in year 600, again bigger English, Mongol, Rus, year 1000, again bigger all three year 1501. Consistent bigger. More imoprtant, culture power too much bigger.

Persia is the must-have civ in Age of Empires.

Ottoman and Byzantine maybe first, because symbolic match.

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Persia spent this timeline getting conquered many times

The timeline where Persia fits is obviously older than the AOE4 timeline.

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Obviously you know little, needs help. We help.

In 1501-1600 Safavdin Persia was roughly # 2 military power on planet, only lose Ottoman Empire. Is 1501-1644 too “early”? “Older” then AoE4?

No, it’s at later, decisive years of AoE4 (finish 1644?). Exact opposite you said… lol

Iran is giant of civilization at beginning, middle and end of Age of Empire 4. Bigger then English, Rus, Mongol 90% time.

Even more important is soft power. Make Persia super unique in game, dream civ to make AoE 4 finally new as should be.

It’s in middle of action, best candidate for civ. If getting conquered in battle cannot be AoE4 civ, Rus, China can never ever be AoE4 civ… lol

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Are you another @Vinifrss alt? It doesn’t come across quite as strong, but the mannerism is still there. Also, I haven’t really heard of anyone else promoting Persia with the idea of soft power. It’s just a weird term.


If you go across half world as Uzbek, Georgia, Aceh, Kashmir, Azerbaijan, Tajik, Pakistan, Indonesia, Tatarstan, Kazakh, Turkey… (no mention Iran), you will have some education.

The only topic about Persia in forum is deleted. Farsi-speak AoE fans hear it. We watch.

Persia is giant of civilization, no debate. Persia don’t need AoE4. AoE4 need Persia civ because it’s so one-of-kind.

I wasn’t commenting on whether any given civ deserves a place in AoE4, I was more asking if you are an @Vinifrss alt. You don’t have to admit it… I just though I’d give you a chance to confess if you are.


Sorry not sure I understand this you mean, tried Google translate, are you obsession?