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You do not understand idea behind civ design.
There are simple and hard to use civilisations.
French + English - simple to use. It picked more often and WR for noobs higher.

Chinese is hard to use civ, but it’s advantage. Cause with China (current China you have the most possible number of starts).
While French can play only Knights.

48% for civ which is hard to use. Is super great results. A lot of losses come from noob who do not learn how to play China.
(last time i checked My WR for french + English 100% KEKW. For China 37%)
But, I pick China in 80% of games, cause the civilization is complex and fun. As i learn more → i get more wins and WR goes higher).

in the end, get some math classes to learn that 2% is statistically irrelevant.

Can it be improved/changed - yes.
Cry on forum cause “china unplayable” - no.


you clearly should understand, that some civ should be last? right?

  • problem in feudal even with BBQ
  • no need to buff castle units.
  • it’s Okay to have civilization, which bad at arabia, but good ad BlackForest.

If want buff - buff feudal.

Or you liked old Chinese via Siege and FL. The only strat to win Siege +FL.
But new Chinese is bad, cause too many options?

PS Plat is noobs, abuse HRE with 20% pickrate, Pick French cause it’s easy to play.
Sorry, Plats do not know how to play. They probably learnt a few strat and happy with it.

Last patch China has 3k games.
It’s 3k players played 1 game, or 1k players played 2games.
Now It’s only 14331 players in season2.

how they can learn to play new reworked civ, if they played 0.3 games with China (as average).









I don’t wanna judge these balance suggestions, but I do hate targeted suppression between civs.
There were so many times I was like “damn mongol again, should I still select French this time?”
That was really unhappy.


In fact, it’s very clearly that we need both characteristic and balance at same time.
I know that will a little bit hard, but that’s why they are here.

How do you read Chinese? :thinking:

There is a little globe icon on the chat that you can press to translate texts in other languages

i use superior browser which allow translate any selected text to my language.
or glob-icon to translate it into English.

the english translate with the globle button is really bad. it translate spearman to gunner, shoot to guns, there are so many problems. but better than nothing. maybe google is better.

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While China certainly needs some work on it.

Please keep politics out of it.
Blaming MS/Relic for being western-centric because, well China is performing bad in a video game, is sheer nonsense!

Now we can certainly discuss why China is performing bad on a subjective view and come with constructive criticism.

Try refrain dragging Nationalism into it. That only serves the purpose of nobody taking the thread and issue at hand seriously!

Now if you want to drag Nationalism into it, well sure. but boy do I have a few things I really want to say about china in that case and what they are doing to people who are close to me. (You can blame it all you want at Western Propaganda, but I have seen it with my own eyes and have(had) personal connection with certain people)
But I’m not going to bring up that discussion because this is not the place for it.

TY :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: