Two possible unique units

We already have huskarles and rattan, with high Pierce armor, and boyars and teuton knights with high melee armor…

What about an archer with high melee armor? Good for raiding, still weak to skirmishes. And a Calvary archer with high melee armor?

We don’t have Calvary with high Pierce armor, but the paladín could be considered like that. What about a Calvary archer with high Pierce armor (Calvary rattan)? Or camels with high Pierce armor?

Are these ideas crazy?


Archers aren’t really supposed to be in melee combat so giving them high melee armor is largely wasted


I agree with @MatCauthon3 , but maybe something could be interesting is an UU cavalry archer with the ability to switch to melee combat. This is not weird, even foot archers could be in the situation to need engage the enemy in melee combat.

Maybe a cheap support unit, easy to mass, HP 50, Attack 5/6 (pierce/melee), range 4, speed 1.45, and little better Frame delay and RoF than CA for pierce, and same Light Cav for melee, Armor 0/0.
Not bonus against Pikemen line, and take some seconds to swith between melee and pierce attack mode.

I really don’t know if can be done in the game, but is just an idea discussion, not programing…

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not my idea but it will be cool to have a weak unit (50 hp 1/1 armour) which could one shot everthing, so that it guarantees that if he hits something non-building it will kill it

You forgot the Tarkan.

We actually have two units for that, the elephant archer and the war wagon.

All Indian camels have high pierce armour.

Some of them sure are.


You mean a sniper unit.

Plumed archers are sort of supposed to fill that role. Not directly by high melee armor, but high HP, move speed, bonus vs infantry etc… (but kinda die to cavalry in late imp cos of lower atk than arb)

but it would be interesting indeed

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i don’t agrree, how many time did u get ur archers shreded by a bunch of knight ?

Your second idea could be improved to something like this: a light cavalry unit with high pierce armor with bonus against archers. Like a trash version of persian knights.

The first one could be (a forced comparison) similar to a FU Genoese crossbowman.

Well of course that happens when knights get on top og them. But they arent supposed to be in melee combat is the point. Thry have low health and melee armor. Youre supposed to take advantage of their range to win. And Archers can trade quite well against cavalry if you keep the numbers down. Or use pointy boys

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I understand your argument. But the same can be said for infantry against archers, and you have huskarles.

Armored archer would take more time to die against knights, so the real counter to them would be skirmishers

Cavarly Archer with high Pierce Armor is already existed. War Wagon. This unit is also Cavarly archer unit that has higher pierce armor, high HP but low speed than normal Cav Archer.

More similar to Cav archer but slightly more Pierce armor is Tatars Cav Archer.


So a unit which kills them very slowly and allows the archers a long time to do all sorts of damage… granted skirms win cost effectively but in thd late game that allows the melee armor archers a lot of time to do whatever they want.

And huskarls may beat the xrap out of archers but they lose to almost any otger melee unit in the game.

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mostly yes, if by sniper u mean sniper with 0 range 11

even elephants in one shot?

did someone mention the tarkan yet? and the turk/tatar hussar is this as well

agree with this. most melee units are tanky due to high hp, not necessarily armour (knights are so oppressive because of their hp, even though their armour helps) because melee units do such high damage armour means less

did someone mention the elephant archer?

devs specifically nerfed the indian bonus because it was too oppressive in TGs… so if anything what would this camel do? but if anything i think it should be a horse not a camel, so it is countered more easily by bonus damage

the issue with these kinds of units is, how do non melee civs fight them? what is the purpose of the unit and how do ALL civs counter them, must always be the first question

otherwise we could make an endless list of historically based infantry…

yeah it’s not the point of regular archers , but it would be the point of this special unit ahah look, infantry is supposed to die to range, yet, huskarl

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Everyone has skirmishers. In the same way everyone can answer against huskarles with militia.

or even paladins, boyars, or Keshik.