Un-garrisoning units from Sky Passages sometimes causes them to exit the Sky Passage they entered and not the selected one

  • Game Version: AOM Retold

  • Build Number:

  • Platform: Steam

  • Operating System: Windows 10


Clicking to un-garrison units in a sky passage sometimes causes them to exit the sky passage they entered instead of the one that is selected

Trigger Event:

Playing the New Atlantis campaign - any level with sky passages

Repro Steps:

  1. Garrison units
  2. Select different sky passage and click to un-garrison

I’ve had something similar with a transport ship; in the “Isis hear my plea” campaign at the end you transport Amanra, and not once but twice when I ejected her she came out where I put her into the ship. In my case I had a large army along with and I think the issue had to do with no good landing spot being available, on the third try I moved some of my units away from my landing zone and then she exited at the proper spot.

You just gave me an idea on how to beat the Greeks in the second mission. It probably won’t work if it’s glitched, though, 11