Really excited to see the option to make custom terrain types finally in the editor, but struggling to get them to work properly.
I’ve tried creating a new terrain type by cloning an existing one and giving it a new name, but whenever I try to use it in the lua, map gen fills the tiles with random tiles as if set to tt_none.
-- Fill the entire map with the custom terrain type
for row = 1, gridSize do
for col = 1, gridSize do
terrainLayoutResult[row][col].terrainType = tt_my_test
I can get one terrain type to work by setting it as the only weighted_terrain_type in the map_gen_layout and setting tiles to tt_none, so I know the terrain type self is fine. It just doesn’t seem to create a variable referencing it.
I also tried burning it
but if I burn it with the alias
the mod doesn’t load and gives the following error:
(I) [00:33:39.427] [000002212]: MOD -- Error loading mod pack 'cff0f1cfe884403f9cdf1f44206f4af6': tt_my_test.rgd not permitted.
(I) [00:33:39.427] [000002212]: MOD -- Error loading mod pack 'C:\Users\Sammie~\Documents\My Games\Age of Empires IV - Test\mods\extension\local\Tttest\tttest.sga': invalid file structure.
If I burn it to attrib it builds the same as if I don’t burn it at all.