"Unexpected Guests"

Maybe some AoE 3 themed skins. But when I said SWGB as guest I was thinking also as skins.

If MS, Nintendo, MGM, Danjaq and everyone else involved in GoldenEye were able to bring that game back for a rerelease, it shouldn’t be too hard either to make a SW:GB DE 11

What about this? Didn’t they say unexpected guest event before RoR release?

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Funny how almost every seemed to have forgotten about this.
It’s less then a week till release of RoR so I don’t expect it to start before RoR, maybe it got delayed?


Maybe simultaneously, if i remember correctly it alredy happened that event started when DLCs were released

Unexpected guest is rome getting added to aoe2 ranked.


I had hoped that it would have been Star Wars Battleground Definitive Edition because of May 4th. But no announcement was made.

So this was probably postponed. Most likely for the Microsoft event in June.

It’s clearly not that.

Because…what you call an “inferior” engine is the only real way to make an Age of Empires game.

Age of Empires III and IV are just posers pretending to be part of the franchise. They don’t have what it takes, and never will. If we want a future game to be successful, it needs to be familiar. For that, we need the Genie Engine.

I don’t get the random hate on any Age game that isn’t AoE 2


Oh, I don’t hate the other entries. I just don’t think they can ever be as popular as AoE2, and that’s because they’re too different. Future entries need to be familiar to feel like Age of Empires. That’s why it makes sense to make them on the same engine.

I absolutely do not agree.
Almost all things in AoE3 that are different to AoE2 are by choice and not because the engine forced them to be.
AoM is a lot closer to AoE2 in many regards and uses an earlier version of the AoE3 engine.

But even if you would want to make a 2D game it would be very very stupid to use this 25 years old engine when there are so many better more modern 2D engines around like Unity that have much more support and it’s also easy to find new developments that already know the engine.


Hmmm, that’s a fair point.

Still, I want the graphical style of a hypothetical new game to be incredibly nostalgic. None of this actual 3D stuff. I like the sprite-based graphics of AoE2. It’s dated, but DE proves that it can look really good.

Well, Genie is best suited for AoE 1 and 2. It kinda reminds me of people asking why AoM: Retold will be on the AoE 3 DE engine instead of the one from AoE 4 without realizing that 3, 3 DE and AoM all use Bang, so the Engine already has what Retold needs.

Wanna know the reason why I haven’t gotten 3 and 4?

Because they’re too different from 2. That’s the only reason.

I and probably many others would only buy a new game on the condition that it is incredibly evocative of 2.

Word. Especially when AOE3 is such a beautiful game.

And I bought and played them because I like the Age Franchise as a whole as each Age game has something that makes it unique.

I suppose that’s the difference between you and me.

I only like 2. Because that’s the one I grew up with. The other games in the series would be too foreign for me to enjoy. And if you like them, that’s perfectly fine! I don’t, and probably never will.

I mean, I also only grew up on 2 and was like “why only limit myself to one game?”

Once you see and play them without always having 2 in mind, you enjoy and appreciate them for what they are :slight_smile: I’ve been there as well.


Maybe if I actually get a high-end computer, I’ll give them a try.

I’m kinda there with Five Nights at Freddy’s, funnily enough. I always watched the series, but thought the games were too spooky to play. Then I bought the first one and ended up not being scared of it after a few tries, because I figured out the mechanics and strategies and it stopped being scary.

This is obviously a different type of scariness to what you’re talking about, but the same principle applies, I guess.