Unique units of aoe 3 that I hope are in 4

if in some future they add an Italian civilization I hope they add the pavisiers

Oh also see the Hospitallers


papal knights



Swiss Pikeman!

Sennar Horsemen


the french technically kinda have papal knights and pavisiers? Royal knights and Arbeletiers.

For me the most interesting would be Inquisitor (A unit that is anti-monk?)

and what makes the Senna horseman differ form regular horsemen/knight?

The Inquisitor in AoE 3 heals injured units (4 hit points per second),has Stealth mode and reveals stealth enemies…and the Sennar horseman do not fit into the chronology of the game since they are after the sixteenth century…

The Sennar Sultanate (16th-19th centuries) in modern-day Sudan was a feudal society that relied on local magnates to raise armies when a conflict arose. The main metric along which military power in Sennar was measured was in the strength of mounted cavalry. These heavily armored riders were the pride of their armies, and their influence was such that for reasons of self-preservation they delayed the integration of firearms into Sennar armies, much to the Sultanate’s detriment.

let that as unique units for when spain dlc comes haha

Nobody expects the inquisition!

Espero que rezes bien !

Dato curioso la inquisición se invento en Francia, pero se le achaca más a España por que fue la que más duro, pero aun asi la que menos mato

Los pavisiers en aoe 3 Cambian de Armadura segun su posición y son buenos para matar infanteria pesada y caballeria ligera, y en cuanto a los lanceros papales son unidades que absorben daño de las unidades adyacentes y tienen una fuerte armadura de ataque a distancia.

Si recien me di cuenta de que no encajaba del todo en la linea de tiempo del aoe 4, habian otras unidades arcaicas pero me dio flojera el descargar tantas imagenes xd

I am low key psyched to see Relic go head-to-head with Forgotten Empires in designing the same civ. I’d wager my income on the homeboys every time. FE oozes AoE charm.

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Sí,está todo bien…