Unit production speeds needs to be increased

The unit production speed is way to slow. Needs to be cut in half and made twice as fast. Currently once you lose your army you are done, because it takes so long to build troops, even with several production buildings


hi, i totally agree with you. it is true that some units take really too long to appear.

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Once your army is killed if your enemy is near your town they just wipe you out. Because it takes so long to build an army

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Mind you I havent really played it yet but isnt this the same in any RTS? In most traditional style RTS, you lose your army, youre dead unless you inflicted heavy losses on your opponent where your defences can buy you enough time to rebuild. Is it maybe that the units die too quickly while in battle?

In either aoe 2 or in aoe 3 especially I could have quickly built an army big enough and beat them.

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when you compare to AOE2 it’s much longer for battles which are sometimes very fast, so if your opponent rushes you at the start of the game and kills your units you don’t even have time to counter. aoe2 you can have time

Ideally, 5-by-5 batch builds for cavalry and infantry as in AOE-3. You need fewer buildings, reduce management and provide more versatility. But this will never happen.

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I compare to aoe2 but it looks more like aoe3 in terms of gameplay

It’s not like aoe 3 gameplay at all, not really like aoe 2 either just worse then both

there’s a can of both for me, but everyone has their point of view ^^ :wink:

For me it is a step back from the AOE-3 in terms of economic mechanics and strategy options. The gameplay has a bit of all the previous AOEs, including AOM.


Agree, AoE 3 is way better then this so far. I agree with another user who had said something like “ you don’t give someone diamonds to prepare them for the main gift of coal” referring to the DE games


Yes it absolutely does. I’m not very good at making new units en masse so I’m often under attack and I need units to come out and assist. It takes way too long right now.

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