Unlimited Pop And Builds

Hi guys, as most of these forums speak English I’m using google translator to write my problem, sorry if there are errors.

Before the update of this new dlc I used a mod for unlimited pop and more builds, that worked very well, now after this update when loading skirmish mode (which is the only mode I play) gives the error "00:00:00 (0): XS: ERROR 0003: COULD NOT COMPILE FILE “AILOADERSTANDARDS.XS”

I can only play by disabling the mod, and without this mod I don’t see any fun in playing…

Does anyone know of another mod with this function that is working? or how I create my own mod since I can’t edit .XMB files differently than I used to be .XML

Please help me

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Respondan porfavor tengo el mismo problema, los limites me empeoran la experiencia de juego. -.-

Eso es que el mod no se ha actualizado probablemente, no problema del juego como tal(?)

You can ask the mod author to update it for the new patch. That’s the only way it can work.