Unlock the engine to allow more than 8 players (+ new colours)

Age of Mythology allows 12 players

Probably because using a newer engine means redoing the whole thing (which would result in a whole lot of other changes that would make it less like the original AoE2 in ways they donā€™t intend).

Nintendo remasters like Ocarina of Time and Star Fox 64 when put on DS were faithfully remade with a new engine soā€¦ does that excuse really fly?

I love that idea cause even if 10-12 players games would be laggy, we still get 2-4 new player colors!

And thatā€™s much for people who love the visuals in Aoe2 - this colors could also be used in campaigns.

You knowā€¦thatā€™s a good point. And now with ever more civs and campaigns, having a few more colors couldnā€™t hurt.

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They did exactly that, itā€™s called Age of Empires 4.

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AOE4 didnā€™t try to be a remake of AOE2, differences are massive enough.

Not even remotely! Aoe4 is trying to complexify AoEO which if you take away the predatory f2p practices the way, oh ya knowā€¦ the project Celeste team does, then itā€™s way easier to grasp and a lot of fun

It was a joke, but AoE4 is very similar to AoE2 in many ways.
There is no game that is closer to AoE2 then AoE4 is.

Plus AoE4 implemented a bunch of features there were originally planned for AoE2 but scrapped like movable buildings.

But generally there is no point in remaking AoE2 in a new engine if you can just make an entirely new game instead.

Iā€™ll admit I havenā€™t played aoe4, but aoe1 which I have played seems pretty similar to me. more so than what Iā€™ve seen of aoe4. But Iā€™d defer to someone whoā€™s played all three.

IMO AOE4 did a big mistake by placing itself in the Middle Ages as it would be compared to, and competing against, AOE2. Especially as some campaigns covered the same event. Placing it in Antiquity would make it face the weaker AOE1.

AoE4 shouldā€™ve been focused on the late 1800s and the early 1900s, covering WW1 and the Roaring Twenties, setting up a sequel focused on WW2 to the modern day. There is no reason not to continue the timeline.

Warfare changed too much due to technology as war became more about logistics than manoeuvers. Either go full tactical like Company of Heroes, or full strategic like Hearts of Iron, but the AOE formula would feel weird with artillery having an obscene range, infantry having a massive killing power and air support on top of thatā€¦


I think it can work. Iā€™m currently brainstorming an outline for a modern-day AoE game, set from the years 1929-2019.

No one here played rise of nations or empire earth?

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AOE4 would be a Galactic Battlegrounds based on History, instead of Galactic Fantasy

Exactly. SWGB already has 3/4 of the unit types present in modern warfare, and it uses the AoE2 engine. If the AoE2 engine can pull off modern warfare, a more modern engine can work wonders.

(That said, I think the Genie Engine should be used for a hypothetical modern AoE game, just to appeal to the largest possible playerbase, the AoE2 fanbase.)

It has the modern units but how they are implemented it questionable, flying units all hovering around like helicopters instead of behaving like planes for example. Empire Earth (or was it Rise of Nations ? Might be both) has a more realistic model but those games cover the entire History.

Similar to TW, you sure can try putting it in around WW1 but it starts feeling weird once firepower makes classic pitched battles no longer an option and battles are decided by who stockpiled the most artillery.

Off topic but I donā€™t think it was a mistake.

AoE1, AoM and AoEO all 3 had an ancient setting.
AoMR is currently in the works too.

AoE2DE was supposed to be done with the Definitive Edition, they only decided to add DLC 2 years after release.
AoE4 was already very far in development at that point.

But at the end different people prefer different time frames.
I personally donā€™t have a preference tbh. I just want as many as possible to be covered.

Or just give my a new Empire Earth that is actually good again.
It is sad that no game has managed to be better then the original Empire Earth in over 20 years.

AoE1 is technically closer to AoE2 because of the same engine but AoE4 has very similar units and stats compared to AoE2.
A lot of things work the same or similar to AoE2.

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Empire earth had the better flying units like bombers going out in the run and returning back,unlike hovering units.