Updates to first gen aoe2 civs

Why skip Sicilians and potentially Byzantines?

I’m not against more regional units but this will create a chaos in balance for like 5 years.


Slavs, Vikings and Byzantines should get Varangian, Strong armored Infantry with two handed axe, good vs both Infantry and Cavalry.


except is not unique at all. is generic as it gets

even much less compared to all new civs. even more more less with so many elephant civs now.

Totally forgot about Sicily, Byzantines don’t think crusaders will fit as they sacked them.

Another idea is boyar shared unit for Slavs Bulgarians and Lithuanians.

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Lithuanians have paladins. Why would they need boyar?

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Going with the flow,None of these should be serious suggestions.

Said it in another thread, but old civs do feel a little “left in the dust” compared to new ones, though I understand people don’t want anything radical to them. Some RU would be nice through is hard to say which one would be good fit without throwing balance out of whack


Hello Patt,

In general I’m a little cautious about changing civs that work well enough, particularly if they’re in a good spot in the meta. But my main issue with this post, and I assume this is the reason other people have been reaction a tad agitated, can be explained well by looking at your ideas for the Franks:

These are both straight up buffs, and pretty strong ones at that. Franks are already a top pick on lots of maps across the entire elo spectrum. They cannot be buffed. Any change has to be neutral at best. Another bonus or discount to light cav makes monks less viable as a counter to the Frankish knights. You can’t do that without weakening their knights. Strengthening the throwing axemen makes pikemen (camels too, to some extend) less viable as a counter to the knights, you cannot do that without weakening the knights. These ideas are taking a civ with an incredible strength, and are surgically removing the weaknesses associated with that strength.

So that’s what we’d like to ask of you, try to keep the balance of the game in mind as well as any historical, campaign based or other arguments.


Your opinion. I’m the opposite and they are all really boring and plain.

This isn’t about adding new civs, it’s about redoing old ones. Don’t change the argument

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same for me. lets refresh the classic civs and give them equal treatment

yes thats what many of us want

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Karandan is one of the most unique things in the gsmr and so is the Persian douche, thats comparable to what Sicilians and Bohemians get

Well, you are a minority of the playerbase. People like the old civs, they play off well and they are way less gimmicky. I like the oldcivs and when I make a civ design I dont want to think which unnecesary units or which gimmick I want to add. I think what would be a fun and unique and classy civs. A lot of the units we have gotten lately arent unique. They are just knights and swordmen with a gimmick.

Its about the same thing: representation. And only one of those two will create dozens of problems that will take years of balance changes to fix.

Im fine with new units, but they should address problems, not be added for the lols


If you check playrates, the most played civs are classic AoK/AoC civs, people here keep asking for new flashy stuff but then gets bored after 2 weeks and come back playing franks britons mongols and mayans

I’m not saying that having new content is bad, but classics are classics and shouldn’t be ruined by silly new memes


no he is not.

nearly everyone in my discord says the old civs look “bland”

Yeah he is

Most people love the old civs

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yes most people love the old civs. thats why most of us hate to see them neglected

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With “most of us” you mean you and your friends. Most of the playerbase are happy with how they are


you just made that up

It would literally destroy the balance of the game, so no.

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You are the one making up the idea that most people want the old civs changed. I havent seen a big push towards more units for the old civs anywhere


game balance is like water. constantly changes and adapts

most people just dont think of it but would welcome if devs did something for older civs too

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