It would be a civ without chemistry. The first. yes Dromon makes sense for yet another enemy of Rome.
It would also be the first without age 3 melee attack smithing.
It would be a civ without chemistry. The first. yes Dromon makes sense for yet another enemy of Rome.
It would also be the first without age 3 melee attack smithing.
Wow totally legit update all! Wow! with Roman UU having a persisting bonus i dont see the issue in this unit having the bonus being a permanent aura. That said you having multiples is still scary. After all you want a few so your aura can compensate for a lack of Castle Age melee smithing but this is the most religion prone civ in the universe! If converted this unit turns a civ WITH Blast Furnace and Chemistry into a GG and guess what you dont even get faith or heresy!
The proximity of Alania to Georgia means this could be a place for Mule carts. While
Maybe not one with a bonus… except I think it could.
This technically means you get no mill meaning your farm eco is built a around something you better not accidentally task alongside a drag grabbed army
A cool crossroad of Mulecart camel and steppe lancer. Me likey.
Althouth alongside wood from hunt this might be too much. If you send a squadron of hunters you could eat your enemy base meat
Getting the drop off cart and not the fortified church is also interesting combo.Maybe even villagers can garrison in the cart?
Sure but not for the civ that gets wood from hunting.
As for the fact this civ seems to be a regional unit central by the way, it only feels right if…
Team Bonus: Regional Units (Eagles, Steppe Lancer, non UU-Elephants, Dromons, Mule Cart and camels) train/build 25% faster
That building a Market spawns a mule cart???
Actually ya know what the Dragon Banners tech now boosts their fortified church so they have the same aura as the UU. besides this bonus their churches would be rather plain
So with Mule Carts and Savar and this civ being Iranian like the Persians they descend from…
Alans (90BC-1239) A Cavalry and Cavalry Archer civ
*Like most nomads, bows were made not just of wood, but bone, horns and other composition of animal parts that could not be eaten. Feeds into the whole cav and cav archer thing. *
Bunch of crossroad bonuses for Regionals
Food is scarce, but gatherers gonna gather.
Team Bonus: Regional Units (Eagles, Steppe Lancer, non UU-Elephants, Dromons, Mule Cart and camels) train/build 25% faster
As stated, good crossroad location.
Missing Techs
The Draco UU’s stats are unchanged. However instead of being an attack boost aura, it’s an attack speed slow aura. The first draco slows enemy AS by 2% per Draco. If the Draco has attacked something, their slow is doubled to 4%. You max out the slow at 30%… If needed I could lower this to 1.5/3% instead.
Castle UT: Dragon Banners Increases aura range and max slow by 10%. Fortified Churches have an 18 range version of the slow at 6%.
Cost: 400f/200w, 35sec
Imperial UT: Kontos - Mounted units and Dromons +1 range.
Cost: 650f/1050g 45sec
This remake is still very shoddily designed but if there’s any civ at the crossroads of everything it’s the Steppe based Iranians who travelled from as far as Iran to Ukraine and all the way through Europe into Spain then to Carthage. If there was an African Regional unit, this civ would have it.
With Kontos being an Imp tech and way more expensive, you need to decide if 1 range is worth the cost of 14 knights. Remember you dont get Iron Casting. I could surge the cost even more if needed.
Isnt this useless if the ally has none of these units?
That is true. Possibly i could make it include some other unit? Granted Ca Archer TBs tend to find value on like a civ count you can place on your hands and gunpowder iones have the same argument especially on land maps
I gotta say, I very often find thar you try to make some civs too weird with some wild bonuses ut I really like this one outside of the UU which is meh imo.
Biggest problem for me is that Savar with range seem too good while castle age cav for this civ seems kinda mid
Also, would rather remove the eles from the reduced damage bnus to not overlap with Bengalis
Are you saying getting use out of this team bonus is…Alan shot?
Maybe add the UU to the mix?