Villager's pathfinding


Maybe you should post the save file on Bug discussion?

happens in 1v1 as well, in my experience straggler trees and gold mines make the calculation of shortest path go wrong. Berries/mills can make this happen also.


pathing compelety wrong in game. sieges, melee units, vils etc: All of them walking like drunk.

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Unit pathfinding has some real problems when trying to find ways through gates. Often the unit first walks a straight line into a wall and only then tries to find the correct way through a gate and even that seems sometimes difficult for the unit.

From what I remember this wasn’t a problem a while ago.

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pathing is terrible

thats the problem though, everyone knows its terrible, there isnt much to discuss about it, so any post generates less attention than something controversial that might not actually need changing, which is ironic