With patience and arguments, changes come
We had a nerf to bombard emplacements on towers/keeps last patch as well (so that they don’t outrange bombards meant to destroy them). Slowly but surely. Also bombards costing a bit less is also very relevant.
Nah, in team games walls and keeps are at most a momentary delay these days.
Don’t know how people struggle so much with them.
I agree! Stone walls and Stone towers have already been nerfed a lot, and it’s not hard to deal with them.
There cannot be a debate if they censor opinions that they do not like, that is not freedom of expression
It’s more an issue in certain 1v1 maps. When both players are naturally funneled in a chokepoint, the game is super stalled. Stone towers themselves are basically unused, but stone walls stop you from streaming troops in, and if you divert bombards or something to kill the walls, you end up losing the fight in the middle.
Can see it on high view or hill and dale or a few other maps, just see any pro stream and games last quite awhile in a grindy siege game usually.
It’s not about “censoring”, it’s about constantly necroing a thread that should’ve been closed by now. Which is what I’m going to do.