War Elephants deserve a buff

Oh. yes. 56% WINRATE.
Berbers too OP
Case Closed. Deal Sealed. Berber Super OP.
Berber Ultra Super Duper Hyper OP.
Berber Ultra Deluxe Super Duper Bon Apetit Hyper Viper Diper Michelle Pfeiffer OP.

And therefore,
Genitours Super OP.
Genitours Ultra Deluxe Super Duper Bon Apetit Hyper Viper Diper Michelle Pfeiffer OP.

Camel Archer Super OP.
Camel Archer Ultra Deluxe Super Duper Bon Apetit Hyper Viper Diper Michelle Pfeiffer OP.

10% Faster Villagers Super OP.
10% Faster Villagers Ultra Deluxe Super Duper Bon Apetit Hyper Viper Diper Michelle Pfeiffer OP.

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and? clearly still have areas they excel at.

No, they don’t

Killing Aztec and Incan eagles + raid (while Eagles and Paladins are excellent against living units and at raiding.

Viper put them on D-tier, the second worst tier and the most important factor was the training time (Tarkans, Konniks and Huskarls were in S-tier)

they beat mayan eagles too due to their lower attack delay.
either way. i’m fine with 5 food or 5 gold reduction. i’m not fine with your wholesale changes.

Why so we even discuss anything, If only winrate Matters ? Just add/substract 5hp to/from their UU until they Hit 50%?!



Only MatCauthon and JonOli12 thinks that

And then we also have this

I rest my case :rofl:

JonOli12: 'My name is JonOli12, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!’


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Thanks for the introduction, but I do not remember recruiting such low quality, and unimaginative, staff.

House de Oliveira does have a reputation to maintain, after all!

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Do you ever take into consideration that the answers you get comes from the fact you have this lovely tendency to shit on everyone elses opinion?

You told me you have a knowledge of this game similar to the one of a pro. Since you cannot have that kind of knowledge thanks to watching streams, i asked your elo, question you dodged. I’m still waiting to know how you are supposed to have that knowledge dude

A question thou wilst never have answered!

He will never confess.

Btw, should we quote everytime you said your opinion is the truth while everything anyone else said is wrong? Should we quote the fact you said that one opinions come from the fact that low elo player alwaya go for post imp, implying we are all low elo (which, in context with what you said, means sub 1k elo)?
Or do we have to quote everytime you lamentes personal attack while doing them yourself in first place? Do we have the quote the time you just plain invented stuff?

Parthnan, you are not exactly in a position where you hold some sort of moral high ground.

Edit: and btw, no matter the edit, you answer still was “:rofl: 20 characters”. You literally did the same thing you accused others to do, no edit would change that

I see it has drifted in a very mature, rational and pertinent discussion, isn’t it ?

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Some things need to be said and pointed out sometimes
Truth matters
doesn’t matter if it needs to be dug up.

And conflict is inevitable.

Now we all see what you really are.

You see what about me?

This is what I see:

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I’m not sure why someone is flagging this post for being “off-topic”" when the quotes clearly begin with multiple significant War Elephant quotes

I would be as bold as to suggest that, while the quotes did came from the thread, the post in itself holds very little relevance toward the matter of the thread.

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You realize you need res to produce stuff right?

This topic is temporarily closed for at least 4 hours due to a large number of community flags.