What can be done about multi account smurfing?

Has anybody else ever been severely beaten by players with new accounts who have played 1v1 games less than 10 times? Like ridiculously good players with 4,000 point lead, split micro etc., quickwalls, lightning fast builds and up times? It’s happened to me quite a few times over the past few months.

I really wish they would put a limit on the maximum number of accounts you can use from one IP address. I only use one account. I understand some people want a 2nd account to try new stuff, but why do you need more than 2x accounts? Can somebody with more than 2x accounts justify why you use so many accounts? I understand I have to play better players to improve, but improvement and learning curve should be gradual. I want to play people at my level and slightly above, not trolls from +300 ELO or more above.

I anticipate people are gonna say “get good”. Yeah, sure. This isn’t that. I know my ELO level really well. I rewatch A LOT of games. I know a smurf when I see one.


link to the game?
there are ton of reasons, why you can feel like it.
are they really new?

i would be lazy to create new acc to beat some noobs. and did you really encounter a olt of them?

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i had the same experiece as you ,
im an old lan player (with friends and cousins )

never played mutliplayers .
so when the game was about to start i was very confident that i would win.
The game lasted 10min , I lost to ottoman rush
second game , i got reckd too .

from that day never played multiplayer again. :slight_smile:

No. That’s why I said it’s only happened a few times in as many months. But it does happen occasionally.

No, this is something different. Your loss was just due to lack of online experience. Everybody loses their first 10-20 online games.

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Maybe people are just on vaca, visiting friends or family, and using someone else’s account?

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Tons of times! There’s nothing that can be done however, unless they can block family sharing from playing online. But people can always just create a new steam account and buy the game again, at least that is money for the devs. I don’t know if there is a way to stop smurfing, it’s better to just ignore it and queue for another match tbh :confused: Just look at the top 100 players, it’s like 30 players and 70 smurf accounts :rofl:

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True! :joy: There’s like 7x MbL’s in the top 20. But at least everyone knows who he is. Impossible to know you’re playing a smurf at our pleb ELO level lol

Can’t remember the most recent game now but I’ll try and remember next time it happens and save the rec and username

Limit family share should be easy enough, I dont know if the IP thing is easily accessible by aoe2 team.

Tho tbh I dont see lots of smurfing here for 1v1 (it is worse for TGs)


Yes family share is just BS. At least make smurfs pay for every account.


Don’t give up. Copy their strategies, get on the driver’s seat with the rush :joy:

Smurf issue has been raised many times, even I had raised out several post about this.

However, which may disappoint you that a bunch of people here are bit toxic that only 50/50 support the sportsmanship. People in this community get used to people having smurf accounts (“s” is important as most smurfs they are not only have an extra account, but some extra accounts), and they even think that civ pick is an issue rather than smurf.

They might agree smurf ruins the TG but not 1v1 because it’s less cases. Like 2nd reply.
They can only see the impact generally but couldnt think of a deeper reason / unfairtness of this toxic smurf behavior.

and the dev? they dont give a shit. that’s why TG is still super sucked to play with even after resetting the elo.