What "Clear" role you want to give "Militia Line"?

I think most of your ideas in this thread are far too extreme 11.

One of the sub-optimal things, as far as I am concerned, is that the line of Champions (with the exception of the Malian ones) are incredibly inefficient against Crossbowmen.

Allow me to explain further. If you take 29 ‘Heavy Camel Rider’ and pit them against 46 ‘Arbalest’ (comparable cost between the two groups), obviously the archers win, but they suffer several losses. In fact, on average 28 survive. So you traded 29 Camels for 18 Archers. Which is a bad trade of course, but not a total loss. And with the exception of the old Indian (especially in team games) no one has ever complained about it. Because it is in the spirit of the game.

I believe that Champions should be able to trade in the same way as Camels against Archers. Now, I have not done all the calculations as I did here, but I should find the time to do something like this.

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