What is your problem and discrimination with the Mongols?


Very slow resource collection system:
Villagers are slow to collect food from sheep. While other civilizations harvest fruits next to the base extremely quickly, Mongols harvest sheep meat and even though it is their main resource, they harvest it slowly. There is a clear imbalance in the Mongolian food system.

Imbalance in the defense system:
Include at least palisades and some type of mobile defense, similar to the keep towers for the Mongols. It is unequal and unfair not to have solid and strong defenses like castles.

Mongol landmarks should also shoot and defend themselves from enemies, as all landmarks of other civs do.

In addition to having all the resources more expensive than all other civilizations, the absurd slowness of villagers in collecting food, it is a weak defense civilization and vulnerable to other CIVs that always come out on top.


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Indeed, the Mongols have the weakest cavalry in the game.
Plus, they do not have any defensive structures such as castle or wall.
And the devs want us to defend from the enemy attacks or play aggressively lol

Not all landmarks shoot, very few do.

Just go pro scouts at the start and bring all the deer back to your base, that’s usually enough food to win the game. Late game you can get the improved eco techs which help with food gather rate.

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