I feel the same way xDDD
I’ve spent the last two and a half days arguing theology with Catholics on Twitter. They’re absolutely unshakable and concede nothing. It would be satisfying to see them seethe.
I thought about posting a Christian civ concept.
The biggest challenge is finding “major gods”. The minor gods csn easo just be saints.
The civ would only be based on pre 1000AD western Christianity.
Archangels could fulfill the role of major gods.
Christian civilization could be inspired by romantic knighthood and the Crusades.
Nonono, if we’re going to anger the Catholics, Mary has to be in there!
O matko boska częstochowska…
That is a little to late for my opinion unless you talk about earlier smaller crusades.
Mary, Peter and who?
Either John the Apostle or Paul. Yes, Peter, Paul, and Mary. I know.
What about an “Abrahamic” pantheon? So the three majors are Yahweh, Christ and Muhammad, with three Judaic minors, three Christian and three Muslim?
If anything, Moses would be better in the game.
if they bring christian pantheon my major god picks would be: Brian, Santa Claus and the God Emperor of Mankind. Maybe Buzz Lightyear (just a stupid joke)
I think monotheism isn’t an (valid) option in a game about the idea of ‘‘many gods’’ at all
I do agree, a “Christian” pantheon wouldn’t fit and would be a bit ridiculous. My earlier suggestion was just hypothesising “if”.
Realistically, the devs know their audience and know their choices. I think we can say with confidence the next civ will be one of the following:
Mesoamericans, Mesopotamians, celts, Hindu or Japanese. I really can’t see them picking a civ outside of those 5 initially. It’s more a matter of which they’d pick
True. I mainly just brought it up as an idea to troll Catholics.
I would like to see Hindu Mythology Civ as playable Civ in Retold
i am pretty sure a huge block of Indians will pick up this game
it will be a win win for both the Devs (or the game) and the player base
also if possible a south asia dedicated server be also added if it is not present?
Yeah people love naming their children after biblical characters.
Paul and Peter are kinda too similar I think. But other apostles all have some issues too.
It would be hard to keep the pattern of one “major god” being “evil” since it would be really strange for Christians to worship Lucifer or Judas or something.
I don’t think they should be one civilisation.
The human units part would make no sense since the cultures are entirely different.
What is a “god”?
Different religions have different point of views on this question, especially in the past when people didn’t know what other people on the other side of the world think of as religion.
North American natives believe in “spirits”, Buddhists have a lot of gods but they only play a minor role in their religion and Christian saints have been worshipped in similar ways compared to gods in other religions.
Many religions also have some higher ranking power that is “above” the gods, even some Greeks believed in that.
Powers like Manitu, Mana or some kind of cosmic order.
I think it can fit if it’s done well. But that doesn’t mean I think it should be a priority.
Judaism might be more interesting but also harder to do. They don’t worship saints as much but they exists since the Bronze Age so they would fit neatly into the setting.
Maybe it’s better to do Polytheistic Phoenicians/Punic instead.
Yaweh has polytheistic origins, from the canaanite pantheon (I think. If it’s not that, then there’s huge overlap between that and what’s actually it).
It would be kinda funny if they added the canaanites, and then Yaweh as their storm and war god, as a mythic age option, rather than a major god. It would get all three major abrahamic religions pissed. The Christians, the Jews, and the Muslims.
But I assume the odds of that ever happening, precisely because it would piss so many religions off, are about 0.000000001%
As someone who was raised in a christian society, I’m sure that this sentence could be very offensive for many christians. Some of the 10 Commandments are good examples why christianity shouldn’t have a place in a game like AoM. For example: ‘‘thou shall not make unto thee any graven image’’ (so no visual representations of god), ‘‘i am the god, Thou shall have no other gods before me.’’… etc.
I personally where always confused about catholizism because the way the catholic church worships saints or even the pope sounds very contradictory to their religion… but i don’t want to start a religious discussion on this level. They will have their reasons. But that’s a good example why saints should never be equated with something like minor GODS or something similar.
I personally think there are too many stumbling blocks.
I don’t think that is an issue.
There are so many games that use Christian iconography, names, saints, angles, demons and much more and completely use them in the wrong way or contexts.
Especially Japanese games.
I don’t think Christians would be offended by that.
Also you said it yourself that you think it’s strange what Catholics are doing. There is many different type of Christians that do stuff very differently.
If you are some kind of Protestant Christian, would you be offended by Catholics being represented wrong?
Since the Bible contradicts itself, especially the old Testament, Christians do a lot of things that are on paper not what the Bible says.
People have already killed each other over how to read that book so many times.
AoE2 has you play on both sides of the Crusade. AoE4 features them too.
So many things that could offend someone. But no one cares.
So why would a Christian faction in AoM be so different?
Do you really want christians in the game, Skadi? I know you said you’d be happy with any content than no content, and pretty much implied you’d welcome a teletubby DLC. But is that really something you’d say “please do that” to the developers?
There’s christians in Godsworn, and I do enjoy that game. But as similar it looks to Age of Mythology on screenshots, its a different game with a different premise.
Do I want them? Yes.
Do I think they should have priority? No.
Not really.
I generally don’t think the game gets worse by any addition since I don’t play ranked multiplayer where I’m forced to interact with every content.
But obviously a bad DLC is still a waste of developers time.
Let’s say it that way:
I am ok with every DLC that makes some sense and would not be hated by the majority of the community as long as it just adds additional content.
For example I’m personally not interested in the Cthulhu mythology at all but I wouldn’t protest if they made a Cthulhu DLC. I would probably not buy it though.
Yes and no.
I would rather see Celts, Mesopotamians, Mesoamericans, ######### ###### Mongols/Turks/Skythiens, Indians, Persians, Romans, Punics/Phoenicians, Hittite/Trojan, Buddhist, Incan, North American, Yoruban, Ethiopian, etc. mythology.
Never heard of that game, looks interesting.
Some ideas how I could see Christians work in the game:
This solves the issue of the similar pantheon
Byzantines are a fan favourite and they coexist with Vikings.
They have been Christian for so long that it’s hard to make a pre Christian Ethiopia.
They have a lot of their own unique mythology and believes that are connected to Christianity.
Their monarchs were officially descendants of Salomon and they also posses the Ark of Covenant.
Migration Period Europeans
A lot of legends like the British King Arthur or Germanic Sigurd (Siegfried) take part around the time of the fall of the Western Roman Empire and are based on the events that happened during the time, like Saxons invading England, Goths invading Italy and even featuring the Huns.
The French national hero Roland is a little younger since die died in 778 but he could theoretically be part of this civilisation to.
All those character are Christians in their legends and they are all still pretty popular to this day. A lot of people want King Arthur for a Celtic civilisation but that makes little sense since he is clearly not a Pagan.
Some aspects of the Nibelung sage, that Siegurd is from are already in the game right now. Not sure if any Arthurian things are in it already.
The civilisation would have technology from the period up until 1000 AD and end up being similarly equipped as the Norse in Mythical Age using Kite Shields and stuff like that.
Maybe instead of a Major god you choose a main hero.
The 3 heroes would represent German, France and Britain and come with related bonuses like Infantry, Cavalry and Archers.