In January, the devs promised us “a year-long Christmas tree with the presents piled high.”
To be honest, I was expecting more content for AoE2 this year. Battle for Greece is great, but it feels more like a spinoff. I understand the devs were busy with AoM, but why make promises and then not even announce anything for classic AoE2?
I still hope we can get a regional skins DLC and a new architecture DLC. It feels strange when Cysion mentions in an interview that creating regional skins would be difficult due to RAM issues, yet we get 74 new unit models and 85 new building models in Battle for Greece. It’s frustrating that one of the community’s most requested features seems to be overlooked by the devs.
On the bright side, the GL Noble Apartment Cup promo includes the words “Dress to Impress.” Maybe it’s connected to regional skins, since the devs also released official mods with reskins under that exact same name.
What do you guys think about this?