While we are waiting for the launch date , what campaigns do you anticipate reliving the most?

Thats what I wanted, thank you!

Yeah, the last Joan of Arc mission definitely got a difficulty increase. Burgundy used to have all the military might of a slice of toast that’s been cut into ten pieces and dipped in a runny egg, (bonus points if you got the reference) and Shrewsbury does something other than send a few Trebuchets and spam a few useless buildings. …and then there’s the English who just love to spam Longbows.

Yeah, it’s good now, especially with the population increase. :smile:

Frederick Barbarossa and Saladin for sure, those are my favorite campaigns.

Its interesting you say that. While I agree with you on the last mission getting more difficult , everything else felt easier! But I suspect it has more to do with me becoming a better player since the last time I played the Joan arc, it probably was the same for you too.

I played Attila too in the limited time I had and beat the first 4 missions , the first three were a mixed bag of fun but not super challenging to a little bit uneventful at times, but the 4th one I played , was a ■■■■ of a comeback. I think I boomed a little bit too hard and lagged behind in millitary, I kept clutching it by buying time and migrating my TC time and time again , the AI actually knew to ignore most buildings and hunt my new TCS! I kept going in new gold positions until they pushed me so far behind in space that it was definitelly over, but I moved in with my ally and defended with a single castle and trash , managing to reboom , keep myself and my ally alive and increasing castles , and when I thought the scenario was over and I was slowly pushing the final enemies, the western romans out of nowhere flooded my base with huge numbers which is not the way I remember it at all from the original AOE2 , the type of numbers that a goth player spams through his millitary units , it looked endless , i thought a script had broken , eventully with enough trade after cleaning the romans , I cleaned up the rest of the enemies. This sh*t made me feel like a child again, memories flooding of playing through the campaigns, I loved it.

Actually, I agree. Those two campaigns are masterpieces.
Haven’t really played any outside of AoK and AoC yet but I think I will now. Maybe I will find some masterpieces in AoF, AoAK, AoF and DE as well :slight_smile:

weird I just played joan on HD and Shrewsbury was a non stop line of rams,cavliers and light cav. while burgundy was non stop pikes, long swordsmen and monks. I decimated burgundy’s base and they ran inside and behind the English base and started churning out monks to assist the English armies.

Never managed that on normal difficulty on HD, so god help me!