Why can't we direct TC fire?

I’d like to be able to direct fire at army and not rams. Has this been brought up before? Cant find the topic.

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Been brought up so many times

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are they going to fix it?

It’s not a bug, it’s a design decision.


The TC is an overpowered defense structure early game. This is their cheesy design decision to “balance” it. Its very lazy.

Super lazy from Devs… maybe again coz they were rushed

My alternative would be to lower base damage but affected by black Smith upgrades and maybe even a TC upgrade in age 4.

And then allow TCs and castles to target what you need to.

FYI towers can be directed, they aren’t like TCs and castles

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It’s a bad design but if you can retarget with your tc, the ram will become very usless.

Thank god. The Age 2 ram rush is lame. Age 2 attacks shouldn’t be all ins to win the game, they should be harassment mechanism to interrupt eco.

Like @Amphiprion6 is saying and to that I want to add the the game would become a stalemate of whoever builds the most TC in the game and gets to imperial.

If you play right, ram pushes are not all ins and they don’t win you the game. You can defend very easy from it and still boom.

Here are 2 videos: 1 explains the reasoning behind the tower and the 2nd one is a game doing this in practice

Here the info about towers:

And here it is doing it in practice:

It is really not that hard to stop a ram push. Now if you blindly go for town centers and expect to stop them with only tcs and army. This is why rams are made that way. To stop that


Great video sir. Thank you.