Why I don't like the Mayan's new UT

  • I talked only about 1v1 as stated in my Comment and you mention a 2v2 Cup. Teamgames play out totaly different then 1v1 Games.
    In Team Games its possible to ply much more Greedy and Tech right away into much more expensive stuff, because its simply harder to lose in the early Game, because you have the Armys of 2 Players with defender Advantage who can back up each other

  • As said all other options of Mayans you mentioned are very Gold intesne and i sayed this Tech is good for when Mayans start run out of Gold, because in this situation their only 2 Trash Option will get countered by Skirms only. Giving a tech which makes Skirms especially stronger against Skirms will help that. I never said their trash Game is S Tier now, ofc having Light Cav would be better, but its much better then before. And thats why its a Buff I would say, because Mayans have always been scary with Gold, but very weak without. Now they can still hold up even without Gold, or at least better then before.

  • Has nothing to do with the topic but you asked:
    Castels dont rly have any value in early Castle Age. You pay 650 Stone, (which because of Upgrades is probably collected slower then Wood) which is probably worth around 700 Resources, for something that gives you no value if its not a Castle drop on the opponent. A Defensiv Castle might protect some area of your Eco, but you still open on other sides. Also you dont rly have an Eco worth protecting cbs you infested into a Castle instead of new TCs and Farms.
    If these 700 Res would have been infested into Eco and/ or Army, then you would have a stronger Eco (which snowballs your eco), or a bigger Army. A bigger Eco can result in an bigger army a few minutes Ahead, and an Army can Defend your Base at any location (which a Castle cant) as well as generate Map Control to get new Resources, as well as pressure the Enemy to deny his Resources, reduce his Army, or Idle his Eco (which makes your Eco stronger in contrast to his).

Castles only have 3 purposes in this Game:
1: Production and Researchs: Only a few Unique Units are worth producing in early Castle age like Conqus. Trebs cant be made before Imp. Conscription is an Imp Tech.
2: Pressure on the Opponent; Basicly a forward Castle drop on the Opponent. The only reason to get a early Castle if you wont produce Conqus or Arambai.
3: Secure Map Control/ Resources: In late Castle Age and Imp you will place Castels at important locations, which are either an important Hill on the Map, or a place with valueble Res like Gold/ Stone or big Wood Lines.
In early Castle Age your Main Resources around your Base havent run out yet, which means you dont need to expand to neutral Gold yet. Therefore there is no need to secure these Resources yet, which make sit much better to invest the Resources of a potential Castle instead into Eco/ Army to get an advantage over your Opponent. If you generated an advantage over your Opponent in early to mid Castle Age, then this Advantage will snowball, making it much easier to get control over the neutral Resources for Imp. After all it makes no sense to get a Castle on a neutral Gold in advance, just to then be behind your Enemy in Economy, because of this later in Imp and then have to look how he Trebs the Castle down.

  • “Not all nerfs have to followed by a compensation.”
    Dont get this sentence tbh. I said the Change is probably a Buff and therefore there might come a Nerf, but your sentence implies that I would have said its a Nerf and therefore there will come a compensation in the Future, while I sayed the exact opposite.
    I agree that not any Buff or Nerf normaly needs to be compensated, but it depends on the Posiiton of the received Object in the Tier List.
    If a B Tier Civ gets buffed it probably dont needs a Nerf, because it got buffed to maybe get into the A Tier, but if an already S Tier Civ gets buffed, then it should get Nerfed later on, because it already was to strong.
    The same would apply the other way around on nerfing a D or C Tier Civ. In this case a D or C Tier Civ should get compensation to not be totally useless, while a Nerf to a S or A Tier Civ probably wont need compensations.